看看外媒、果粉以及普通吃瓜群众们对三款新品的评论,一起来看看外国人如何评价新 iPhone 的亮相!
This new iPhone represents a familiar trick. It’s just the iPhone Xs but
bigger. The size is notable for a couple of reasons, though. First, Apple
released the iPhone X in only one size: 5.8-inches. Second, the iPhone Xs Max’s
6.5-inch display is the biggest Apple has ever released for an iPhone.The device
itself is about the same size as an iPhone 8 Plus, but it incorporates the same
bezel-free design as the iPhone X and iPhone Xs.——FROM:GIZMODO
iPhone Xs Max 究竟有多大?真的很大!虽然与 iPhone 8 Plus 的尺寸几乎相同,但 iPhone Xs Max
感觉有点重,实际上比 8 Plus 重了4克。尽管光滑的不锈钢玻璃带来的奢华感容易让人分心,但没有什么可以分散你对6.5英寸显示屏的注意力。
The XS Max can be equated to a "Plus" sized device, packing a supersized
6.5-inch OLED screen into a phone that is roughly the same size as Apple's
previous Plus devices, which had 5.5-inch screens.
While both the iPhone XS and XR will be water resistant, the XS line will
be slightly more durable, able to withstand up to 2 meters of water resistance
for up to 30 minutes. Apple also claims it will be able to better survive
"everyday" spills into liquids such as water, coffee, tea, soda and beer.——FROM:USA TODAY
iPhone Xs Max 真的如谣传那样的大,是一个全面屏的6.5英寸智能手机啊!
虽然 iPhone Xs 和 XR 都是防水的,但 Xs 显然会更耐用些, 能够承受多达两米的水阻力长达30分钟。苹果还声称, 它将能够更好地“适应”
日常生活中溢出的液体, 如水, 咖啡, 茶,
苏打和啤酒。两款手机都有双12像素的后置摄像头以及7像素的前端传感器。新品不仅拥有更大的传感器还能够调整图片的景深, 甚至在拍摄照片后模糊背景。
如果你还没有 iPhone,请转推文并照图做动作。
Hey Siri,请跟我的老婆解释,为啥我需要花1099美刀买新 iPhone。
——Steve Redmond @sjredmond
当我听到512G版本 iPhone Xs Max 定价1449美元时——@SuperSaf
请选择你购买新款 iPhone 的付款方式——@TheAryn1902_
iPhone X、iPhone XR、iPhone Xs 和 iPhone Xs Max 的区别——@aadjedu