The Swedish royal regimes that were stolen on Tuesday have now been put out
for international inquiry in Interpol’s system, the Swedish Television SVT
reported on Wednesday.
The funeral regimes -- a king’s crown, a globus cruciger and a smaller
queen’s crown -- were stolen from a locked and alarmed security assembly in a
cathedral outside Stockholm.
The police suspects the theft was planned but what the perpetrators are
going to do with their catch, is a mystery to them.
The stolen items are completely impossible to sell, police officer Maria
Ellior from the Swedish Police National Operative Department told SVT.
来自瑞典国家警察行动部的Maria Ellior警官在接受瑞典电视台采访时表示,“这些赃物是完全不可能卖出去的。”
According to SVT, there is a risk that thieves might try to destroy the
objects in order to melt and sell the gold.
That is something I would rather not even talk about, but everything is
possible. The gold’s value is nothing compared to the value of the objects
themselves, research director Benny Beutelrock said to SVT.
调查主任Benny BeutelRock对瑞典电视台说:“我不敢往这方面想,但一切都有可能。虽然黄金的价值和实物价值相比微不足道。”
The police are looking for witnesses and asking the public to keep their
eyes open. The theft is classified as gross theft and the perpetrators risk up
to six years in prison.
警方正在寻找目击者,并要求公众保持警惕。该盗窃案被定性为严重盗窃罪,盗窃犯将面临长达六年的监禁惩罚。 |