While the Duchess of Cornwall was drinking tea with Dame Judi Dench on the
Isle of Wight, Prince Charles decamped to the West Midlands today, to visit a
forest that replicates weather conditions of the future.
The heir to the throne, a keen environmentalist, looked in jolly spirits
following his return from a sun-soaked tour of the West Country last week.
Charles, who celebrates his 70th birthday, was visiting the University of
Birmingham's Institute of Forest Research, which looks at how changing C02
levels will affect the nation's flora and fauna.
Charles was also presented with a gift from the university - an engraved
bottle, found in the forest during site construction, which had been filled with
air from the forest at its predicted CO2 level in 2050.
Accepting the present, he then joked good-naturedly with the scientists,
researchers and dignitaries: 'I'll be 102 by then.'
The experiment is aimed at modelling the effect of CO2 levels based on
assumptions of levels in 2050, and using that data to help understand climate
changes, and what forests might be able to do to help.
The idea behind the experiment site is to allow scientists to work out how
much carbon dioxide - a key driver in climate change - forests can take out the
Launched with 10 years' funding, researchers hope the facility will last
well beyond the next decade.
研究人员希望该设施能在未来10年内持续发展。 |