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基础版:In recent years, more and more cities in China have begun to build subways. The development of subways can help reduce traffic congestion and air pollution in cities. The subway has the advantages of safety, speed and comfort. More and more people choose the subway as the main means of transportation to work or school every day. Nowadays, it is becoming more and more convenient to take the subway in China. In some cities, passengers can use a card or mobile phone to take the subway. Many local elderly citizens can also take the subway for free.
升级版:In recent years, more and more Chinese cities have started to build subways as this helps reduce traffic jams/gridlock and air pollution. A growing number of people now choose subway to go to work or school every day as it is a safe, fast and comfortable means of transportation. It is becoming increasingly convenient to take the subway in China. In some cities, passengers can access subway simply with their transportation cards or mobile phones. Many local senior citizens also have free access to subway. 【考后关注】 新东方四六级估分系统,逼真还原6月试题,精准估分提早了解过没过线!具体估分规则,敬请关注新东方网四六级真题解析专题!