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发表于 2018-5-21 22:39:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  This Saturday, hundreds of thousands of U.S. high-school students will sit
down to take the SAT, anxious about their performance and how it will affect
their college prospects. And in a few weeks, their older peers, who took the
test last year, will start hearing back from the colleges they applied to.
Admitted, rejected, waitlisted? It often hinges, in no small measure, on those
few hours spent taking the SAT or the ACT, the other widely used standardized
          Standardized tests are only part of the mix, of course, as schools make
their admissions decisions. They also rely on grades, letters of recommendation,
personal statements and interviews. But we shouldn’t kid ourselves: The SAT and
ACT matter. They help overwhelmed admissions officers divide enormous numbers of
applicants into pools for further assessment. High scores don’t guarantee
admission anywhere, and low scores don’t rule it out, but schools take the tests
          Unfortunately, a lot of myths have developed around these tests—myths that
stand in the way of a thoughtful discussion of their role and importance.
          Myth: Tests Are Not Related to Success in the Real World
          Clearly there are many factors, beyond what is measured by tests, that have
an impact on long-term success in work and life. But fundamental skills in
reading and math matter, and it has been demonstrated, across tens of thousands
of studies, that they are related, ultimately, to job performance.
          Longitudinal research has demonstrated that major life accomplishments,
such as publishing a novel or patenting technology, are also associated with
test scores, even after taking into account educational opportunities. There is
even a sizable body of evidence that these skills are related to effective
leadership and creative achievements at work. Being able to read texts and make
sense of them and having strong quantitative reasoning are crucial in the modern
information economy.
          Myth: Beyond a Certain Point, Higher Scores Don’t Matter
          Some might concede that these skills are important—but only up to a point,
beyond which higher scores don’t matter. It’s an understandable intuition, but
the research clearly shows that, all else being equal, more is better.
          Cognitive skills are not the only factor in success, of course. Our own
research has demonstrated that, with certain elite cohorts, like applicants for
executive positions, the abilities measured by tests are still important but
less so than other characteristics. This is the same phenomenon as in
professional basketball, where differences in height become less important among
the extremely tall. This highlights the need to assess multiple characteristics
with high-quality measures.
          Myth: Tests Are Just Measures of Social Class
          Admissions tests aren’t windows into innate talent; rather, they assess
skills developed over years of education. They evaluate a student’s capacity to
read and interpret complex prose, think critically and reason
          Our own comprehensive look at the issue, including a review of the existing
literature and analysis of several large national data sets, showed that the
tests were valid even when controlling for socioeconomic class. Regardless of
their family background, students with good tests scores and high-school grades
do better in college than students with lower scores and weaker transcripts.

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