Finland is the world's happiest country, according to an annual survey
issued on Wednesday that put Burundi at the bottom of the happiness index and
found Americans were getting less happy even as their country became richer.
The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network's (SDSN) 2018 World
Happiness Report ranked 156 countries according to their scores for things such
as GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, social freedom,
generosity and absence of corruption.
Finland, rose from fifth place last year to oust Norway from the top spot.
The 2018 top-5, as ever dominated by the Nordics, is: Finland, Norway, Denmark,
Iceland, and Switzerland.
The United States came in at 18th, down from 14th place last year. Britain
was 19th and the United Arab Emirates 20th.
One chapter of the 170-page report is dedicated to emerging health problems
such as obesity, depression and the opioid crisis, particularly in the United
States where the prevalence of all three has grown faster than in most other
While income per capita has increased markedly in the United States over
the last half century, the happiness index has been hit by weakened social
support networks, a rise in perception of corruption in government and business
and declining confidence in public institutions.
"We obviously have a social crisis in the United States: more inequality,
less trust, less confidence in government," the head of the SDSN, Professor
Jeffrey Sachs of New York's Columbia University, told Reuters.
For the first time since it was started in 2012, the report, which uses a
variety of polling organisations, official figures and research methods, ranked
the happiness of foreign-born immigrants in 117 countries.
Finland took top honours in that category too, giving the country a
statistical double-gold status. The foreign-born were least happy in Syria,
which has been mired in civil war for seven years.
"The most striking finding of the report is the remarkable consistency
between the happiness of immigrants and the locally born," said Professor John
Helliwell of Canada's University of British Columbia.
"Although immigrants come from countries with very different levels of
happiness, their reported life evaluations converge towards those of other
residents in their new countries," he said.
"Those who move to happier countries gain, while those who move to less
happy countries lose."
Top 5 happiest countries
Finland 芬兰
Norway 挪威
Denmark 丹麦
Iceland 冰岛
Switzerland 瑞士
Top 5 least-happy countries
Burundi 布隆迪
Central African Republic 中非共和国
South Sudan 南苏丹
Tanzania 坦桑尼亚
Yemen 也门 |