Adidas sold 1 million shoes made out of ocean plastic last year, CEO Kasper
Rorsted told CNBC on Wednesday.
去年阿迪卖出了1百万双用海洋里的塑料垃圾做的鞋子,周三公司首席执行官Kasper Rorsted在接受CNBC采访时说道。
The German sportswear giant launched last year three new versions of its
UltraBoost shoe made out of plastic found in the ocean.
It teamed up with environmental initiative Parley for the Oceans to create
the shoe.
该鞋是和环境公益组织Parley for the Oceans(为了保护海洋)一起合作。
At the time, Adidas said it it wanted to create a million pairs of the
UltraBoost shoes.
Each pair of shoes reuses 11 plastic bottles.
adidas has already overtaken Jordan as the second-best selling sports brand
in the U.S. last year, and the momentum hasn't stopped, as the German sportswear
label announced fourth quarter earnings that showed 31 percent growth in North
America to cap off 2017.
去年阿迪取代乔丹成为全美销售牌面第二的品牌,而且势头很猛,这个德国的运动品在在2017年第四季度在北美的销售增长了31%。 |