LONDON (AP) — A member of Britain’s House of Lords has drawn praise and
puzzlement for resigning as a government minister because he was late to answer
a question.
International Development Minister Michael Bates apologized to another
member "for my discourtesy for not being in my place to answer her question on a
very important matter." Bates said he was "thoroughly ashamed" and "shall be
offering my resignation."
With that, he walked out of the Lords chamber to the astonishment of other
Former Foreign Secretary William Hague, who now sits in Parliament’s upper
chamber, said he hoped "my noble friend, who has given 20 years of strong public
service" would reconsider.
Bates quit a previous government position in 2016 to walk 2,000 miles
(3,200 kilometers) across South America for charity.
2016年,贝茨辞去了在前任政府的职务,到南美徒步2000英里(3200公里)进行慈善活动。 |