Nobu Matsuhisa, owner of Nobu Restaurants and Hotels and author of "Nobu: A
Memoir," shares how to eat sushi the traditional Japanese way. Following is a
transcript of the video; it has been edited for clarity.
Nobu Matsuhisa: I’m Nobu Matsuhisa, owner of Nobu Restaurants Group and
You don’t need extra wasabi. Wasabi is always inside, between the rice and
So you can use chopsticks or your fingers — it doesn’t matter. Use what’s
more comfortable.
OK, here is wasabi and the ginger. Normally, people take the wasabi and dip
soy sauce here, right?
But for me, it means a more traditional way. A piece of the fish, dip — put
the soy sauce and wasabi on the middle of the fish. Then not much soy sauce.
So these are the three ways: sashimi, nigiri, and roll.
Nigiri sushi. Make half-turn, take the chopstick and put soy sauce on the
fish side. You can see no rice. Just a touch of the soy sauce on the top of the
But now, ginger. A piece of ginger, after one bite, if you try the next
one, some tuna or shrimp or whitefish, take one piece of the ginger. Clean the
salmon taste, then try the next pieces.
So, the sushi roll. Take this one, and this is no choice. Put the soy sauce
in the rice but just a little. Just a little, then one bite. So everything is
one bite. Don’t bite two bites.
I think it’s better to eat more the light, then a little bit heavy. It
means more fatty fish at the end.
The final sushi may be better as a roll, even more — a cucumber, not like a
fish. So cucumber roll, oshinko roll, and sour plums. This is my way. I like
最后吃寿司,最好是寿司卷,甚至可以是黄瓜,而不是鱼,所以黄瓜卷,泡菜卷,然后是酸话梅,这是我吃寿司的方法,我喜欢这样吃。 |