Nowhere has the importance of the relationship between doctors and patients
so vividly and exactly expressed as in the sentence, “Patients can not live
without doctors.” It is imperative to cope with it nowadays due to the fact that
doctors play such a crucial role in patients’ health recovery, while patients
help to cooperate with doctors meanwhile. The question is how to contribute to
this special and vital relationship?
Doctors need to care for their patients from the bottom of their hearts
instead of making tremendous profits from his noble position. For example,
nowadays numerous doctors treat their patients with costly medicines for their
own bonus and they are beyond patients’ affordability. It severely violates
social morality which a doctor should comply with. What exactly a doctor should
be responsible for is that they cure patients with selfless devotion and
On the other hand, patients are supposed to understand that of all the
elements that result in one’s recovery, among which the most critical has been
their doctors’ treatment. There is no one but longs to be healed when suffering
from torturing illness. Consequently, cooperation tends to be the priority,
which will be conductive to a more rapid and smooth healing. 一. 整体评述
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