Ten percent of State-owned equity, including shares of State-owned
enterprises and financial institutions, will be transferred to the National
Council for Social Security Fund and smaller, local State-owned companies, the
State Council, China's Cabinet, announced in a document on Saturday.
方案明确,按照试点先行、分级组织、稳步推进的原则完成划转工作。第一步,2017年选择部分中央企业和部分省份开展试点(pilot programs in
selected SOEs and
program will be further expanded to other SOEs and financial institutions in
划转范围方面,方案将中央和地方国有及国有控股大中型企业(large and medium-sized central and local
SOEs)、金融机构(financial institutions)纳入划转范围。公益类企业(enterprises of public
interest)、文化企业(cultural enterprises)、政策性和开发性金融机构(policy and development related
financial institutions)以及国务院另有规定的除外。
划转比例上,以弥补企业职工基本养老保险制度转轨时期因企业职工享受视同缴费年限政策形成的企业职工基本养老保险基金缺口(to make up for
possible shortfalls in the nation's pension
provisions)为基本目标,划转比例统一为企业国有股权的10%(10% of State-owned equity)。
National Council for Social Security Fund can set up a pension fund management
company to independently operate the transferred assets)。
社保基金 social security funds
养老保险 pension insurance
养老金缺口 shortfalls in pension provisions
延迟退休 delay/postpone retirement |