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发表于 2017-11-7 22:29:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Why Buying Eye Cream Is a Waste of Money, According to a Dermatologist皮肤科专家表示:为什么买眼霜是浪费钱?
The majority of eye creams on the market are formulated with the same ingredients as most facial moisturizers. 市面上的大部分眼霜和我们面霜成分相同。
There are no special ingredients in eye creams that are specific to the skin around the eyes, but you should make sure you follow these dermatologist-approved rules for using moisturizer.眼霜中并没有什么针对眼部的特殊成分,但你应该了解一下皮肤科医生是怎样使用面霜的。
Like the overwhelming majority of facial moisturizers on the market, eye creams are water based—water is often the first ingredient on the ingredients list.与市面上不计其数的面霜一样,眼霜的主要成分也是水——可以看到,眼霜的配方中,排第一位的通常是水。
Yes, the skin around the eyes is thin. But under a microscope, a skin pathologist cannot distinguish skin taken from around the eye with skin taken from high on the cheekbone. 没错,我们眼部周围的皮肤的确很薄。但从显微镜中看,眼部的和颧骨上的皮肤组织并没有太大差别。
One might argue that the thinnest eyelid skin is more susceptible to the damage of the sun’s ultraviolet rays, but ironically, most eye creams don't contain sunscreen.有人可能会说眼部最脆弱的皮肤对太阳的紫外线尤其敏感,然而讽刺的是,大多数眼霜都不具备防紫外线的功能。
Science has yet to discover a single ingredient that can reverse the aging process. 目前,科学界还没有发现有哪种单一的成分可以使人“逆生长”。
Often “marketing tool” ingredients like caffeine, peptides, or collagen are added to an eye cream formulation to enhance sales.眼霜只是一种市场营销的手段,商家们通常在其中加一些咖啡碱、酞,或者胶原蛋白来扩大销量。
But there is no scientific evidence that these ingredients have any real benefit or that they can reverse the aging process. 然而并没有科学的证明,说明这些成分真的可以延缓老化。
On the other hand, dermatologists say these breakthrough anti-aging products are the real deal. The ability of an eye cream to improve the appearance of skin around the eye is more dependent on the product's ability to increase the water content of the skin, which is basically its effectiveness as a moisturizer.另一方面,皮肤科医生们表示眼霜的效果更多依赖于它提高眼部皮肤含水量的的能力,和润肤露有异曲同工之处。
Eye creams are usually packaged in very small jars and can cost anywhere form $13 for a 0.5 oz. jar at the local pharmacy to $100 per 0.5 oz. jar online or at a boutique store. That’s equivalent to $3,200 per pound! 然而眼霜却通常以小瓶出售,药店中眼霜价格大概为13美元半盎司,网上或精品店中则为100美元半盎司.也就是说,每磅眼霜的售价大约为3200美元!
As a moisturizer, an eye cream may increase water content of skin and temporarily improve the appearance of the skin. 从润肤的角度上讲,眼霜可能可以提升眼部皮肤的含水量,并短时间提升皮肤的状态。
But so will many well-formulated facial moisturizers for a fraction of the cost.但许多与它效果相同的面霜价格却比眼霜便宜很多。

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