De La Salle University bestowed a Doctor of Science in Technopreneurship, Honoris Causa on Chinese billionaire tycoon Jack Ma.德拉萨大学授予中国亿万富翁——马云科技创业名誉博士学位。
DLSU board of trustees chair Edgar Chua read a resolution conferring the honorary degree on Ma. The resolution was unanimously approved by the board on October 18.德拉萨大学董事会主席埃德加·楚尔宣读了一项决定,授予马云荣誉学位。这项决定与10月18日得到全体董事会一致通过。
"The board of trustees of De La Salle University approves and authorizes the conferment by the corporation on Ma Yun also known as Jack Ma, Doctor of Science in Technopreneurship, Honoris Causa with all the honors, privileges and duties," Chua said.埃德加说:“德拉萨的董事会同意并授予马云这项荣誉——科技创业荣誉博士,这不仅是荣誉,而且是权利和义务。”
The founder and executive chairman of e-commerce giant Alibaba came to the Philippines upon the invitation of a DLSU student leader to officially receive his honorary degree.马云是电商巨头阿里巴巴的创始人兼执行主席,受德拉萨大学学生领导邀请前往菲律宾,正式接受荣誉头衔。
"Thank you so much Mr. President, faculties, professors, my schoolmates. I'm extremely honored and humbled to be able to get this honor. I never thought in my life that I could be able to achieve this. When I heard about this news, I was sitting there and thinking, 'Hmmm, Doctor of Science in Technopreneurship is a great title', 'cause I'm not that technical a guy, Ma said in his acceptance speech on Wednesday.周三,马云在接受仪式上说:“感谢主席、各位老师、教授、同学,非常荣幸能得到这份荣耀,我受之有愧。我从未想过此生能得如此殊荣。消息传来时,我就坐在那儿想:‘嗯……科技创业荣誉博士’,我不是一个技术人才。”
"I know very little about technology and I've never been trained to be an entrepreneur, and my English I taught myself when I was a kid. I never got even one day training outside China for my language," he added.“我对技术知之甚少,也从没接受过创业者培训,英语也是孩提时代自学的,从没在国外学习过语言。”
"And this is a great university, it's long history and mission. And the thing that I'm most excited about is this university carries the mission of SDG—sustainable development [goals]. As one of the United Nations advocates for that, I feel extremely happy for our school to continue this mission. I believe it's not technology that has changed the world, it's the dreams behind the technology that changed the world," Ma said.“德拉萨大学历史悠久,承载着许多责任,非常优秀。最令我激动的是,德拉萨支持可持续发展事业。这也是联合国所倡导的,我的学校能继往开来,让我非常欣喜。我相信,技术无法改变世界,只有技术背后的梦想才能改变世界。”
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