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发表于 2017-10-24 21:39:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Sherry is in her internship now. Last month, she bought a lipstick which she really liked.上个月,还在实习的雪莉买了一只心仪的口红。
This lipstick cost her more than 50 dollars. It's not cheap, but it made her happy, because it was the one that she had been longing for for a long time.这只口红花了她300多块,并不算便宜,但她很开心,因为这是她一直想要的一款。
Every morning, when she puts on her makeup, everything seems brand new due to this lipstick. It feels like that the whole day is full of hope.每天清晨化妆,因为有了这只口红,雪莉都感到焕然一新,觉得这一天都充满了希望。
Sherry has long been accustomed to rewarding herself through shopping.一直以来,雪莉都习惯用各种消费来犒劳自己。
And this desire for material possession drives her to work hard.而这些物质欲也激励着她不断奋斗。
She feels good about this. Her life keeps getting better all because of this kind of desire.她觉得这样挺好的,她的生活因为这种物质欲而变得越来越好。
But her mother thinks quite differently.然而,她的妈妈却不这么认为。
Several days ago, Sherry went back to live with her parents for a while. After her mother came to know the price of the lipstick, they had kept quarreling  for almost a whole day.前几天,雪莉回了趟家,在妈妈得知了口红的价格后,两人几乎吵了整整一天。
Her mother thought that it was completely immoral to spend money like this, while Sherry thought her mother was totally beyond reasoning.妈妈觉得她这样花钱简直就是十恶不赦,而她却觉得妈妈完全不可理喻。
What Sherry didn't know was that this woman standing in front of her had once been a little girl who had grown up in poverty and starvation.雪莉不知道的是,这位站在她面前的女人,曾经是个在贫穷与饥饿中长大的小女孩。
That little girl could not find enough clothes to wear in winter. And those little desserts you see through the shopwindows were something from another world for her.这个小女孩在冬天没有足够的衣服可以穿,而商店橱窗里的点心则是另一个世界的东西。
That girl needed to learn how to spend every penny as if it were two so that she could survive.对于这个女孩来讲,一块钱需要当成两块来花,这样才能活下去。
It's just natural that two people can't understand each other, even for mother and daughter, because everybody's experience is different.在这个世界上,没有哪两个人天生就能和睦相处,即使她们是母女。因为两个人的经历不可能一样。
Try to be patient to the people around you. Try to get to know them. Try to stand in their shoes.多给身边的人一些耐心吧,去了解她们,去站在他们的角度想问题。
If you can not listen to people, how can you expect them to listen to you?如果你无法去倾听别人,又怎能奢望他们来倾听你的想法呢?

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