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发表于 2017-10-24 21:32:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        What separates your LinkedIn profile from that of a Fortune 500 exec?你与世界500强企业的领英简历区别是什么?
        Probably many things.可能有很多。
        Aside from years of experience, skills, and qualifications, some of that difference can be measured in a few words, according to a recent study from Grammarly.除去年资经历,技能特长,资格证书,有些差别仅在几个字词之间产生,根据Grammarly软件公司一项最新研究。
        The writing-enhancement platform looked at 750 profiles of directors, managers, and entry-level workers at Fortune 500 companies.这个增强书写的平台研究了世界500强公司的主管,经理,出入职场的员工共750份个人简介。
        While it's never a good idea to pad your LinkedIn profile — or résumé, for that matter — with random jargon, hiring managers gravitate towards these keywords, especially for upper-level candidates.虽然是随机用一个术语填写领英简介——或者个人简历,出于同样用途的,但是招聘经理都会被这些关键词吸引住,特别是更高职位的求职者。
        If you can use them in a truthful way to describe your own experience, you might just catch a recruiter's eye.如果你能够真诚地使用这些词语,描述你的个人经历,你很可能就吸引住雇主的眼球了。
        "These kinds of terms help recruiters easily search and find qualified candidates on LinkedIn," Grammarly recruiter Angela Ritter said in a post on Grammarly's website. "Having common business language on your profile is important, but you have to be prepared to talk about your expertise with those terms."“这些术语帮助雇主在领英网上轻易地搜索和寻找符合资格的求职者,”Grammarly招募官Angela Ritter在官方网站上的一篇文章写道。“在个人简介上附有常用的商务术语是很重要的,但你必须做好准备,谈论你的专长技能与那些术语的关系。”
        Here's a breakdown of some of the business terms Fortune 500 directors like to include in their LinkedIn profiles:下面是一些世界500强主管喜欢在个人简介里提及的商务术语分类:
        5. 'ROI'5. “投资回报率”
        4% of Fortune 500 directors include this word on LinkedIn.世界500强企业中有4%的主管把这个术语写在了领英的简介里。
        For example: "Increased company ROI by 100%."例子:“提高公司的投资回报率为100%。”
        4. 'Innovative'4. “创新的”
        9% of Fortune 500 directors use this word on LinkedIn.世界500强企业中有9%的主管把这个术语写在了领英的简介里。
        For example: "A leadership style that inspires transformational business solutions, develops innovative marketing strategies and energizes teams by creating an inspired culture."例子:“激发转变业务解决方案的领导风格,构思创新的市场营销策略,创造激发灵感的文化推动团队发展。”
        3. 'Solution'3. “解决方案”
        20% of Fortune 500 directors use this word on LinkedIn.世界500强企业中有20%的主管把这个术语写在了领英的简介里。
        For example: "Able to strategically translate business needs to technology solutions, repeatedly yielding superior results."例子:“有策略地解读商务需求的技术解决方案,不断追求更好的效果。”
        2. 'Strategic'2. “策略性的”
        32% of Fortune 500 directors use this word on LinkedIn.世界500强企业中有32%的主管把这个术语写在了领英的简介里。
        For example: "Senior corporate and technology executive with 20+ years experience advising businesses, executives and boards of directors with respect to strategic acquisitions, divestitures, and related matters."例子:“充当20年以上的高级企业及技术执行者,为商业,执行者以及主管层提供策略性收购,撤资,以及相关事务的建议。”
        1. 'Leader'1. “领导”
        37% of Fortune 500 directors use this word on LinkedIn.世界500强企业中有37%的主管把这个词语写在了领英的简介里。
        For example: "An inspiring people leader with a very strong background in marketing, technology, management and sales."例子:“一名具有感召力的领导,坚实的市场营销,技术,管理以及销售的背景。”

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