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        Working in an office is not for everyone. Maybe the nine-to-five grind gets you down, or maybe office politics are not your thing. Whatever the reason, there’s no need to resign yourself to spending your entire working life feeling like you’re writing with your non-dominant hand. 不是每个人都适合在办公室里工作。也许朝九晚五的工作会让你失望,或者说你不喜欢办公室政治,那也没关系。无论什么原因,你都没有必要强迫自己完全投入到职业生活中来,就像你要用非惯用手写字一样。
        There are plenty of non-office jobs out there that play to the strengths of the worker who’d rather telecommute, work outside, or spend their workdays on the road. 在外面有很多非办公室的工作,它们能够发挥远程办公人员,在外工作人员和出差人员的工作优势。
        Something here is bound to be right for you.这里一定有适合你的信息。
        Top 10 Jobs for People Who Hate Working in an Office10种为讨厌室内工作的人而设的工作
        1. Telemedicine Physician1.远程医疗医师
        A healthcare providers look to cut costs, and patients grow used to being able to do everything from the comfort of their own home, telemedicine will likely experience a boom. For doctors who need a break from commuting to the office or hospital — or who live in places like Alaska, where said commute might involve small aircraft — telemedicine holds promise. 由于医疗服务人员希望降低成本,患者更习惯于能够舒服地待在家里做好一切,远程医疗可能会经历前所未有的繁荣。对于坐车到办公室或医院后需要休息的医生,或者居住在阿拉斯加州,通勤需要坐飞机的医生而言——远程医疗给他们带来了希望。
        Median Annual Salary (for Doctors, General Practice): $135,936 (Note: earnings for telemedicine physicians vary by employer and state. One telemedicine provider tells Medscape that its physicians make as much as $140 per hour — comparable to full-time staff, and at part-time commitment.) 平均年薪(医生,全科医疗):$ 135,936(注:远程医疗医师的收入会因用人单位和各州情况而异。一名远程医疗服务人员在医景网上透露,与全职员工相比,兼职的远程医疗医师每小时的收入可高达140美元。)
        Projected Growth Rate, 2014 — 24 (for all Physicians and Surgeons): 14 percent2014年至2024年预计增长率(针对所有医师和外科医生):14%
        How to Become a Telemedicine Physician: Like all doctors, telemedicine physicians need a medical degree and licensure to practice. 如何成为远程医疗医师:像所有的医生一样,远程医疗医师需要持有医学学位和许可证才能工作。
        They must also be personable and comfortable with technology, in particular, video conferencing software. 他们也必须具备相应的能力和足够的技术,尤其是视频会议软件的使用。

        2. Airline or Commercial Pilot2.航空公司(或商业)飞行员
        Although not as fast-growing as some occupations on this list, airline pilot is an awesome job that won’t require you to spend any time in an office environment. Of course, it’s not for everyone — if you’re not good under pressure, or able or willing to put in the time to become a skilled and reliable pilot, this won’t be the right job for you. 航空公司飞行员虽然不如本文提到的其他职业发展得那么快,但它是一个很棒的工作,不需要你花太多时间待在办公室里。当然,这并不适用于每个人——如果你抗压能力不行,或者不愿意投入时间去成为一名熟练可靠的飞行员,那么这份工作就不适合你。
        Median Annual Salary: $99,545平均年薪:$ 99,545
        Projected Growth Rate, 2014 - 24: 5 percent2014年至2024年预计增长率:5%
        How to Become an Airline Pilot: At a minimum, commercial pilots need a high school diploma and a commercial pilot’s license. Airline pilots typically have a bachelor’s degree and an ATP certificate from the FAA. 如何成为一名航空公司飞行员:最起码,商业飞行员需要持有高中文凭和商业飞行员执照。航空公司飞行员通常拥有学士学位和美国联邦航空局颁发的ATP证书。
        3. Elevator Installer/Repairer3.电梯安装人员或维修人员
        If you’re detail-oriented and mechanically inclined, a career as an elevator installer/repairer might be the right fit. People in this job spend their days repairing elevators, moving sidewalks, and escalators. 如果您以细节为导向,机械倾斜,则电梯安装人员/维修人员的职业生涯可能是正确的。 这项工作的人们花费时间修复电梯,人行道和自动扶梯。
        Median Annual Salary: $76,759平均年薪:$76,759
        Projected Growth, 2014 - 24: 13 percent2014年至2024年预计增长率:13%
        How to Become an Elevator Installer/Repairer: This job requires a high school diploma and an apprenticeship, with high school classes in math and mechanical drawing being useful for students who want to compete for slots in apprenticeship programs. Thirty-five states also require workers to be licensed. 如何成为电梯安装人员或维修人员:这项工作需要你持有高中毕业文凭,并完成学徒生活,高中的数学和机械制图对那些想在学徒计划中脱颖而出的学生来说十分有用。三十五个州都要求工人持有相关执照。
        4. Nurse Case Manager4.护理案例管理员
        Registered nurses who want to work from home can easily find jobs working as nurse case managers for hospitals, healthcare providers, or insurance companies. Nurse case managers help determine appropriate treatment plans for patients.想要在家工作的注册护士可以轻松找到为医院,医疗服务人员或保险公司提供护理案例管理的工作。护理案例管理员可以帮助患者确定合适的治疗方案。
        Median Annual Salary (for Nurse Case Managers): $69,233平均年薪(针对护理案例管理员):$ 69,233
        Projected Growth Rate, 2014 — 24 (for Registered Nurses): 16 percent2014年至2024年预计增长率(针对注册护士):16%
        How to Become a Nurse Case Manager: Clinical experience is required for this role, as well as an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in nursing. Nurse case managers should also be comfortable with technology. 如何成为护理案例管理员:此角色需要临床经验,以及护理副学士学位或学士学位。护理案例管理员也要具备足够的技术。
        5. Web Developer5.网页开发人员
        One in seven web developers are self-employed, according to the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which means that one in seven web developerscan definitely skip the whole office experience and work from home. Many employers also allow their web developer employees to telecommute on a full- or part-time basis. This career is a good fit for creative, detail-oriented, tech-savvy folks. 根据劳工统计局最新的数据,有七分之一的网络开发人员是个体经营者,这意味着七分之一的网络开发人员肯定没有办公室经验,而是在家工作。许多老板也允许他们的网络开发人员在全职或兼职的基础上远程办公。这个职业比较适合热爱创新,注意细节,技术精湛的人员。
        Median Annual Salary: $57,758平均年薪:$ 57,758
        Projected Growth Rate, 2014 - 24: 27 percent2014年至2024年预计增长率:27%How to Become a Web Developer: Typical entry-level education is an associate’s degree, although some employers may prefer a bachelor’s. 如何成为网页开发人员:一般入门级教育要求副学士学位,但是一些老板可能更喜欢拥有学士学位的人员。
        6. Wind Turbine Technician6.风力发电技术员
        If you don’t mind heights of up to 260 feet above ground and want to be at the forefront of the green energy movement, this job might be perfect for you. Instead of spending your days slaving away under fluorescent lights, you’ll repair and install wind turbines in the great outdoors. 如果你不害怕距离地面高达260英尺的高度,并希望处于绿色能源运动的最前沿,那么这项工作对你来说或许是非常完美的。你不用浪费时间在荧光灯下,相反,你可以在美妙的户外维修和安装风力涡轮机。
        Median Annual Salary: $48,484平均年薪:$ 48,484
        Projected Growth, 2014 - 24: 108 percent2014年至2024年预计增长率:108%
        How to Become a Wind Turbine Technician: The typical entry-level education for this role is some college, no degree, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Most attend a technical school and receive on-the-job training from their employers. 如何成为风力发电机技术员:根据劳动统计局,这个角色的入门级教育一般要求是一些大学,可以没有学位。大多数人来到技术学校,接受用人单位的在职培训。
        7. EMT/Paramedic7.急救医疗医生或护理人员
        If you want a career in which you truly make a difference in people’s lives, EMT or paramedic might be for you. People in these jobs respond to medical emergencies, offering life-saving care. A cool head under pressure is a must in these jobs.
        Median Annual Salary: $36,927平均年薪:$36,927
        Projected Growth Rate, 2014 - 24: 24 percent2014年至2024年预计增长率:24%
        How to Become an EMT/Paramedic: EMTs and paramedics must be licensed and attend a postsecondary training program. 如何成为急救医疗医生或医护人员:急救医疗医生和护理人员必须获得许可证并参加高等教育培训计划。
        8. Line Installer/Repairer8.线路安装人员或维修人员
        Another job for someone who isn’t afraid of heights, line installer/repairers maintain power and telecommunications lines. They’re the folks you see climbing up telephone poles when wires are down or service expands.不恐高的人还可以从事另一项工作,即线路安装人员或维修人员,来维护电力和电信线路。当电线断开或服务扩张时,他们就是你们看到的爬到电线杆上的人。
        Median Annual Salary: $50,980平均年薪:$ 50,980
        Projected Growth Rate, 2014 - 24: 6 percent2014年至2024年预计增长率:6%
        How to Become a Line Installer/Repairer: Most people in this job receive long-term on-the-job training, and many attend apprenticeship programs. 如何成为线路安装人员或维修人员:在这项工作中,大多数人会都获得长期的在职培训,许多人也会参加学徒。

        9. Computer Support Specialist9.计算机支持专家
        If you’re a computer-savvy person and a good communicator, computer support specialist is a great work-from-home job. While not every employer allows telecommuting, this role is so technology-dependent, there’s really no need for companies to spend cash on real estate. 如果你精通电脑且善于沟通,电脑支持专家非常适合你在家工作。虽然不是每个老板都允许远程办公,但这一角色主要依赖于技术,公司真的没必要在房地产上花钱。
        Median Annual Salary: $41,824平均年薪:$ 41,324
        Projected Growth Rate, 2014 - 24: 12 percent2014年至2024年预计增长率:12%
        How to Become a Computer Support Specialist: Some employers prefer a bachelor’s degree, but the most important qualification for this job is simply to know what you’re doing. An associate’s or even a few additional classes in addition to a high school diploma might be enough. 如何成为计算机支持专家:有些老板喜欢学士学位,但这项工作最重要的条件是你知道自己在做什么。除了高中文凭以外,一个副学士学位或甚至几门额外的课程也就足够了。
        10. Customer Service Representative10.客户服务代表
        Probably the job pictured first when people say “work-from-home job,” customer service representative has a lot to recommend it. It doesn’t require a lot of education and training, and as mentioned, often allows telecommuting. While dealing with the public might be a bit of a grind in the long-term, this role could be the perfect short-term gig for the right person. 当人们说“在家工作”时,可能会首先想到客户服务代表,许多人都推荐这份工作。它不需要大量的教育和培训,并且像上面所提及的,它通常允许远程办公。长远来讲,与人打交道会是一种磨练,这个角色对于合适的人来说,可能非常适合短期工作。
        Median Annual Salary: $36,274平均年薪:$36,274
        Projected Growth Rate, 2014 - 2024: 10 percent2014年至2024年预计增长率:10%
        How to Become a Customer Service Representative: On-the-job training and a high school diploma will get you started in this role.  如何成为客户服务代表:如果你完成了在职培训且拥有高中文凭,那么你就可以开始工作了。

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