Across the world, numerous sages in ancient times had emphasized that morality values way much more than merits.不管是哪国的先贤,都强调德比才更重要。
Many parents, too, taught their children that the first lesson about success is being a good person.父母们也教导自己的孩子:学会做人,是成功的第一步。
A good reputation is the highest degree one can get. And it is the very foundation for you to put your talents to good use.人品,是一个人能得到的最高学历,也是他施展一切才能的基础。
A talented man without the descipline of morality is merely a monster out of control no matter how capable he is.一个无德之人,纵使他的才情再高,若没有良好的品德来驾驭,也只能是一只失控的猛兽。
There was a wise man named Tseng Guo-fan in China. He wrote in a letter to his younger brother that:中国曾有一位叫曾国藩的智者,他在给弟弟的一封信里说到:
"A moral progress is just like an additional litre of grain."“今日进一分德,便算积了一升谷。”
Morality is not a technique which can be explained technically, but rather a subtle power that works imperceptibly .德,不是一门可以细致讲解的技术,它是一种潜移默化的微妙力量。
It works as the lubricant when you communicate with others.他是人与人之间交流的润滑剂。
All the paths become unobstructed for you once you are armored with this. And the doors that used to be locked will open.一个人若是拥有了这种特质,他的路便会更加通畅,许多紧锁的门都会为他打开。
This may look like luck in some people's eyes.这在许多人看来可能像是运气。
But no, this is not luck.但是,不,这并不是运气。
This is a kind of merit.这是一种能力。
A good reputation is the highest degree one can get. It goes way farther than any certificate.人品,是一个人能拥有的最高学历,它比一切证书都有用。
(翻译:能猫) |