The internet lost it today after a screen-grab of an alleged group chat among the staffers at the management company of Chinese model and KOL Chen Xuedong was posted online. 陈学冬在其微博上发布的一条其模特公司管理群的截图,在网上引起了骚动。
The conversation shows one employee telling other members of the chat group to pick out the color for their iPhone X, which is currently pre-selling for $1000. 聊天内容显示,其中一名员工让其他成员挑选时下热门时值1000美元的iPhone X的颜色。
“The boss (Chen Xuedong) said everyone gets a new iPhone X and he asks me to write down what colors y'all want,” the chat history reads. The screen capture is posted on Weibo and the story has quickly been picked up by several Chinese entertainment outlets. [/en]一条聊天纪录显示:“老板(陈学冬)给每个人都送个iphone X,让我记录下你们喜欢的颜色。”,之后,该聊天截图晒至微博,然后以迅雷不及掩耳之势被中国娱乐媒体争相报道。
[en]Chen, a professional model and popular actor is considered a style icon that's loved by Chinese Millennials; last year in Milan, he walked the Dolce &Gabbana runway with fashion blogger gogoboi. Netizens have praised Chen's generosity and expressed jealousy of Chen's employees.陈学冬是职业模特儿,当红演员,被当作是时尚标杆,受到中国“零零后”的追捧,去年他在米兰和当红博主gogoboi一起为Dolce&Gabbana走秀。网友们大赞陈老板的慷慨,并对他的员工表示各种羡慕嫉妒。
Weibo Comment: “Why haven't I thought about working for Chen Xuedong? Now that an iPhone is officially more expensive than a kidney.”微博评论:“为什么我没有想到给陈学冬打工?现在一个苹果X真的比一个肾都要贵了。”
(翻译:林浔鸥) |