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发表于 2017-9-18 21:34:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Now that Game of Thrones has ended its seventh season, fans are poring over any detail they can get for information about the eighth and final season, which starts production in October. Fan site Watchers on the Wall, which frequently breaks news about Thrones castings, reported Wednesday that the series is casting two child roles for Season 8, and they could reveal where the plot is heading next.《权力的游戏》第七季大结局,粉丝们开始钻研自己能够搜集到的关于第八季,也就是最后一季的各种细节以期得到一些相关信息。据了解,第八季将于10月份开始拍摄。经常会爆料有关《权力的游戏》演员阵容信息的权迷网站——“城墙上的守夜人”(Watchers on the Wall)于周三透露,这部连续剧在为第八季挑选两名儿童演员,而这两个角色可能会透露接下来的剧情走向。
        One casting notice is for a Northern girl, ideally around age 8. The character seems very similar to Lyanna Mormont, as she's supposed to be fearless and tell it like it is. They're looking for a "strong-minded young girl with a fighting spirit," and the part would film the week of November 17. Watchers on the Wall speculates the girl could be related to Lyanna Mormont, or a member of another prominent Northern family.第一则试镜公告在寻找饰演一位北境女孩的演员,演员最理想的年龄是八岁左右。这个角色似乎与莱安娜·莫蒙特非常相似,因为她应该是一个勇敢无畏且直言不讳的人。他们在寻找一个“有斗志且有主见的小女孩”,而这个角色将在11月17日的那周参与拍摄。据“城墙上的守夜人”猜测,这个女孩可能与莱安娜·莫蒙特有关联,或者是另一个著名的北境家族的一员。
        The second casting notice is for a boy around the same age, or possibly a few years older. The boy, who may be in multiple scenes, is described as a poor child who has had to fight for everything he has. The actor would need to be available for filming at the end of November and the end of December. Watchers on the Wall thinks this child is likely going to show up in Kings Landing or Essos, since the casting notice doesn't specify accent or much about appearances.第二则试镜通告则是在寻找一个男孩子,年龄也在八岁左右,也可能会年长几岁。这是一个必须要为他所拥有的一切而战的可怜的孩子,而且这个角色可能会参与多个场景的拍摄。这名演员可能需要在11月底和12月底参与拍摄。该网站认为,这个孩子很可能会在君临城或厄索斯登场,因为这则试镜通告对口音和外貌都没有太多要求。
        It's obviously unclear what these characters will be, or even whether they're new characters or simply flashback scenes of existing characters on the show. TV Guide ponders whether the young girl could be a young Lyanna Stark, or the future children of Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen. But there's no way we're ever going to find out until the show airs in 2019, because HBO has the plot on such a lockdown that they're filming multiple endings to throw us all off.显然,这两人会成什么样的角色还不清楚,甚至于他们是新的角色,还是只是出演剧中现有角色的回顾场景也不确定。《电视指南》在考虑这个小女孩是否会是年幼时的莱安娜·斯塔克,或者是琼恩·雪诺和丹妮莉丝·坦格利安未来的孩子。不过在2019年这部剧播出之前,我们不可能弄明白的,因为美国家庭影院频道(HBO)要计划拍摄多个结局来封锁剧情以摆脱我们所有人的探查。

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