Apple has unveiled three new iPhones at a special event at its headquarters in California today – aniPhone 8, an iPhone 8 Plus, and a special 10th anniversary model called the iPhone X .万众瞩目的2017年苹果秋季发布会已经结束,对于消费者来讲最关注的还是手机。本次发布会苹果共带来三款手机,分别是iPhone8、iPhone8 Plus以及十周年纪念版iPhone X。
The new handset is made from glass with a stainless steel band around the edge, and features a cutting-edge 5.8-inch OLED display that covers almost the entire front of the phone - so it looks like nothing before.传说中的十周年版iPhone 8,将会采用5.8寸OLED材质屏幕,并采用强化玻璃机身,苹果8系列与上代外观并没有太大的变化,可以说还是保持了苹果7系列的外观.
The TouchID fingerprint sensor, which was used on previous models to unlock the iPhone, has been replaced with a new authentication technology called 'FaceID' which can verify the user's identity by scanning their face in 3D.新iphone采用面部解锁方式来代替之前的“TouchID”指纹传感器,该面部识别系统可从3D角度来扫描用户的面部。
This is possible thanks to the iPhone X's new "TrueDepth" selfie camera, which uses infrared technology and Apple's "neural engine" to analyse features of the user's face - even in the dark.上述科技采用了"TrueDepth"自拍相机,相机采用红外技术以及苹果的“神经系统引擎”,即使在黑暗中,也能精准分析用户的面部表情。
Thanks to the new glass design, they are also the first of Apple's iPhones to feature wireless charging technology, meaning users can simply put the device down on a charging pad to power it up, rather than plug it into a socket. The iPhones support the Qi wireless charging standard, meaning they can be used with a range of third-party charging pads from the likes of Belkin and Mophie - as well as Apple's new AirPower charging pad.由于采用了新型的玻璃设计,iPhoneX续航时间要比iPhone7长两小时,也支持无线充电,兼容Qi充电器。可以与手表等设备一起充电,这款充电座,苹果称之为Air Power。
The event marks 10 years since Steve Jobs unveiled the first ever iPhone in 2007. Since then, Apple has sold more than a billion of the devices, and become the most valuable company in the world.自史蒂芬·乔布斯于2007年发布首款苹果手机之后已经过去了10年。之后,苹果在全球的销量已经超过十亿台,成为全球最具价值的公司。
翻译:进击的Meredith |