Meghan Markle has been dating Prince Harry for about a year, and the couple have been notoriously private about their relationship—until now.梅根·马克尔已与哈里王子约会近一年,而直到现在这对情侣都很少提起他们之间的恋情。
In an interview, Meghan opens up and then some, saying dating Harry (who she refers to as her "boyfriend") comes with challenges. "It has its challenges, and it comes in waves," she explains. "And right out of the gate it was surprising the way things changed. But I still have this support system all around me, and, of course, my boyfriend's support."在一次采访中,梅根吐露了真情,表示与哈里王子(她在采访中称之为她的“男朋友”)约会伴随着挑战。“与男朋友约会很具挑战性,而且这种挑战像潮水般涌来,”她解释道。“走出门去,我惊讶于事情变化的方式,但在我周围依然有人支持着我,当然,那个人就是我的男朋友。”
In Vanity Fair's October cover story, Meghan Markle opens up about living in the spotlight, starring on Suits, and her whirlwind royal romance."在《名利场》杂志十月刊的封面故事中,梅根·马克尔敞开心扉,说起了自己在聚光灯下的生活,在《金装律师》中出演的角色,以及她旋风般的皇家家罗曼史。
Meghan deals with all the public speculation about her relationship (when will they get married?!) by concentrating on her love for Harry: "I can tell you that at the end of the day I think it's really simple. We're two people who are really happy and in love," she says. "We were very quietly dating for about six months before it became news. And I was working during that whole time, and the only thing that changed was people's perception. Nothing about me changed. I'm still the same person that I am, and I've never defined myself by my relationship."在谈及公众对她的恋情的猜测(他们什么时候结婚?!)的时候,梅根着眼于她与哈里王子之间的爱情,“总之,我可以告诉你,我认为我们的爱情真的很简单。我们两人真的很幸福,很相爱,”她说道。“在这成为新闻之前,我们安安静静地约会了近六个月。在那期间,我一直在工作,而唯一改变的就是人们的看法。对于我自身,什么都没有改变。我还是那个我,我从未用我的恋情来界定自己。”
Meghan also reiterated that yes, she and Harry are very much in love: "We're in love. I'm sure there will be a time when we will have to come forward and present ourselves and have stories to tell."梅根还一再重申,她与哈里王子很相爱,“我们在热恋中。我确定总有一天我们会站出来,向大家讲述我们的故事。”
(翻译:Dlacus) |