Princess Charlotte may have inherited Princess Diana's talent for dancing, as the Duchess of Cambridge has just revealed that her two-year-old "absolutely loves to dance."夏洛特公主可能会继承祖母戴安娜王妃在舞蹈方面的天分。她的母亲剑桥公爵夫人即凯特王妃,发现2岁大的女儿痴迷跳舞。
Kate Middleton was visiting the Princess Diana garden at Kensington Palace on Wednesday with Prince William and Prince Harry when she spoke with English National Ballet director Tamara Rojo about Diana's passion for dancing.凯特在周三的时候和威廉王子以及哈里王子一行人参观了戴安娜王妃生前在肯辛顿的花园时,国家芭蕾舞的董事塔玛拉谈到了戴安娜生前对于舞蹈的热爱。
Speaking about Charlotte, Kate said: "She absolutely loves it."说道夏洛特公主时,凯特说,“她真心喜欢跳舞。”
The Duke of Cambridge recalled Diana's "fantastic" dancing and her elation when she busted a move, adding: "She loved dancing, she was a fantastic dancer. 凯特回忆起戴安娜的“美妙绝伦”的舞姿时,自己也不由得手舞足蹈起来,还说,“她喜欢舞蹈,而且跳得很棒。”
We've been going through her music collection recently and there's some quite eclectic stuff in there. She was elated by the skill."“我们近期回顾了一下她之前的音乐作品,她的身体柔软,舞技超群。”
The Duke and Duchess were then invited to the English National Ballet's "My First Ballet" program, with William graciously accepting the offer: "We will definitely have to come."随即,英国国家芭蕾舞团邀请威廉夫妇观看“我的第一支芭蕾舞”表演,威廉王子立刻大方接收并表示,“我们一定会来。”
Meanwhile, Kate, William, and Harry met with representatives of charities Diana had supported, including the National Aids Trust, Great Ormond Street Hospital, the Leprosy Mission, and the English National Ballet as they marked the 20th anniversary of Diana's death.同时,凯特、威廉姆、哈里接见了戴安娜王妃生前支持的慈善事业包括国家援助基金会,大奥蒙德街医院,麻风病协会,和英国国家芭蕾舞团的代表,来纪念戴安娜王妃逝世20周年。
The royal trio paid tribute to Diana on a tour of the Sunken Garden, which has been transformed into the White Garden in Diana's memory this summer.这三名皇室成员,参观了戴安娜的生前居住的肯辛顿花园,今年夏天为纪念去世的王妃改造成白色花园。
Head Gardener Sean Harkin led the royals on a walk around the grounds and pointed out a number of the late Princess' favorite flowers on the way, from lilies to white roses.由一名叫肖恩哈金园丁领队在花园中行走,沿途他指出王妃生前最喜欢的花从百合到白玫瑰。
The garden is the fourth London memorial to Diana, and the temporary tribute will stay open to visitors until the end of the year.这是伦敦第四座用来纪念王妃的花园,即日起到年末都会向游客开放。 |