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发表于 2017-9-4 20:38:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Taylor Swift's diamond bath in the video for "Look What You Made Me Do" was filled with real jewels worth more than $10 million, it has been reported. 据报道,霉霉的新单曲《Look What You Made Me Do》MV中,霉霉在装满钻石的浴缸中一幕,其中的钻石均为真钻,并且价值1000万美元以上。
One of the most eye-catching scenes in the visuals for Swift's new single saw the pop star sitting in a bath tub filled with diamonds chokers, rings and necklaces. 这是霉霉新单曲视频中最吸睛的一幕之一,她只身坐在装满钻石颈链、戒指和项链的浴缸中。
Celebrity jeweller Neil Lane has confirmed that his jewellery was featured, telling Page Six: "I had to go to the vault for this one. They wanted an over-the-top, glamorous look so we gave them unprecendented access to my collection. And wow what an amazing turnout, diamonds have never looked better!"知名珠宝家尼尔确认他的珠宝在视频中出镜,并且在Page Six的采访中说道,“为了这个视频他都掏出老底了。他们要一种极度奢靡的感觉,所以我们前所未有、并且倾其所有地供他们挑选我的藏品,结果出乎意料的美,让人由衷赞叹,此刻的钻石无人可以媲美!”
Swift's latest video is a controversial one, in particular due to the bath scene, which many fans have speculated is a reference to Kim Kardashian, who was tied up and left in a bathtub during a robbery at gunpoint in Paris last year.霉霉最新的这个视频也是备受争议,特别是那个浴室的场景,很多粉丝联想到了金卡戴珊,在去年巴黎被入室抢劫后被捆着留在浴缸里。
The robbers were first reported to have stolen around $11 million worth of jewels, although the value of the items was later reported to be less than that. 媒体刚开始报道时,抢劫犯拿走了约合1100万美元珠宝,后竟证实实际金额少于之前的报道。
During the song Swift sings the lyric: "I don't like your perfect crime/How you laugh when you lie/You said the gun was mine/Isn't cool, no, I don't like you."在霉霉唱着:“我不喜欢你故作聪明以为天衣无缝的犯罪,看看你自己说谎时尬笑的模样,你指出我是伤人的一方,你觉得这样有意思?不,我从头到脚都不喜欢你。”
The tracl is widely believed to be a diss track aimed at Kardashian and Kanye West.这几句歌词,明显影射卡戴珊和坎爷。
The lone dollar bill floating in the tub is beleived to be a nod to the symbolic $1 that Swift won after a jury found that a DJ had groped her during a meet and greet. 在浴缸里漂浮着具有象征性的一美元,是隐射之前那个对她性骚扰的DJ反咬霉霉并没有得逞,而被赔一美元的事件。
Swift's album reputation, her first since 2014's release 1989, is set for release on 10 November.自霉霉2014年发布的处女作《1989》以来,她的新专辑《reputation》将于11月10日起正式发行。

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