Brood over这个词组的原意是指郁郁而思,沉思冥想。
与这个词组相近的还有brood on以及 brood about。我们来看一下他们的区别。
brood over:郁郁而思,沉思冥想
brood on:念念不忘,计较(特指忿恨不满)
brood about:关心
【例句】You seem to brood over things. 你好像有什么事闷在心里。
If you bury your anger, and you brood on it and you resent the other person or the attacker, and you don't try to resolve the problem, then you're in trouble.如果你把怨气憋在心里,耿耿于怀,对对方愤恨不满,而不想办法去解决问题,那就麻烦了。
As historians we brood about the study of the history.作为历史学家,我们关心的是研究历史。
Enter a downturn 这个词组中的downturn 的意思是(价格或活动) 开始下降; 衰退,低迷时期。
Recession ( hard to return to what it had been before)难以恢复到往日辉煌
Downturn ( temporary, perhaps through hard work and better)只是一段时间的,通过努力奋斗会改善
Depression (a long period of seriously reduced business activity and high unemployment)一段长时间的严重的经济衰退以及居高不下的失业率
【例句】The recession has caused thousands of bankruptcy.经济不景气造成数千万的破产。
The current US downturn could not be more different.目前美国的经济低迷与当时的情况截然不同。
Many people were idle during the depression.在那萧条时期,很多人都无事可做。
General rule of thumb 这个词组被有些人译为拇指法则。
It means "a general guideline that has a broad application, but which is not strictly accurate in every case."
【例句】As a general rule of thumb, at every transition point, log it.根据一般的经验,在每个过渡的地方,需要进行日志记录。
As a general rule of thumb you should go to sleep when you're tired and wake up at roughly the same time every morning.一般说来,当你疲劳时你都去睡觉,并在每个早晨的大概相同的时间醒来。
在下一集中,龙妈将会御龙亲征,骑在龙背上的姿态帅气爆表,大家不要错过咯~ |