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发表于 2017-8-8 21:05:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        When someone changes their opinion or their idea of something particular.改变了看法或主意。
        You’ve definitely changed your tune since the last time I saw you! You used to hate this town!自从上次见面以后,你的态度就变了!原来你很讨厌这个城市的!
        15. FACE THE MUSIC15.直面困难
        You say this when someone has to accept the negative consequences of something that has happened.有人不得不接受负面后果时,你会这样说。
        I’m not ready to face the music. I need to figure it out for myself before I speak to them.我还没准备好面对这一切。和他们说话之前,我自己要弄清楚。
        16. FOR A SONG16.廉价地
        If you buy or sell something for a song, it means it is very cheap.非常廉价。
        I can’t believe I managed to buy all of this for a song, maybe the shopkeeper didn’t know what they’re really worth!我真不敢相信自己居然能用这么低廉的价格买走这些东西,店主也许不知道他们到底值多少钱!
        17. PLAY BY EAR17.随机应变
        This means to deal with something in an impromptu manner, without guidelines or rules.在没有指南或规定的情况下,即兴处理某事。
        I don’t know what I’m going to say when she gets here, I’ll just play it by ear.待她来时,我不知道自己要说些什么,随机应变吧。
        18. SEE YOU ON THE BIG DRUM18.对孩子说晚安
        A goodnight phrase used for children.对孩子说晚安的词组。
        Okay, get some sleep now. See you on the big drum.好啦,该休息啦。晚安。
        19. AS CLEAN AS A WHISTLE19.干净如雪
        Used to describe something that is extremely clean.非常干净。
        He may come across as someone who could’ve been involved in that robbery, but I have checked his records and they’re as clean as a whistle.他让人觉得极像上次参与劫案的劫匪,可我查了他的档案,并没有什么不良记录。
        20. BLOW THE WHISTLE / WHISTLE BLOWER20.告发/揭发者
        If you report an illegal or harmful activity to the authorities and give information about those responsible, then you are blowing the whistle and would be referred to as a whistle blower.若你向有关部门举报非法或不良活动,提供有关责任人的信息,便是告密者。
        John refused to make a statement for the police. He was afraid of losing his job if he blew the whistle on his boss.约翰拒绝向警方作陈述。他担心揭发老板,会丢了工作。
        21. CALL THE TUNE21.发号施令
        This is used to describe the person who makes the important decisions about something.用于描述做重大决定之人。
        I’m afraid I can’t help you sir. Barbara calls the tune around here, so you’d have to speak to her.恐怕我帮不上什么忙,先生。这里芭芭拉说了算,你可以跟她谈谈。
        22. PLAY SECOND FIDDLE22.当配角
        This is used to describe the person who takes a subordinate role behind someone more important.当二把手。
        You’re much more experienced than he is, I don’t understand why you continue to play second fiddle. You deserve a higher position in the company!你比他更有经验,我真不明白你为什么要当副手。你应该得到更高的职位!
        23. WHISTLE FOR IT23.痴心妄想
        If someone says this to you, it means they are determined to ensure that you don’t get what you are after.如果有人对你说这句话,那么这意味着他们认为你一定得不到自己想要的东西。
        You can whistle for it as much as you like, this is an heirloom of our family and will stay with us!随便你怎么想,这是我们的传家宝,你休想得到!
        24. CLEAR AS A BELL24.非常清楚
        If something is as clear as a bell, it is very clear or easy to understand.形容某事十分清楚、便于理解。
        His instructions were as clear as a bell, everyone knew exactly what they were supposed to do.他的指示十分清楚,每个人都知道自己应该做什么。
        25. FIDDLE WHILE ROME BURNS25.大事不管
        This is used when people are procrastinating or wasting their time on unimportant matters while there are more serious problems to be dealt with.虽然有更重要的事等待处理,但是还为琐碎之事浪费时间。
        The management committee seems to be fiddling while Rome burns, they haven’t shown any signs of taking immediate action.管理委员会大事不管,并没有采取任何措施的迹象。

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