You’ll Never Believe Exactly How Much it Costs to Light the Eiffel Tower Every Day猜猜看:埃菲尔铁塔亮灯要“烧”掉多少钱
The Paris skyline is famous for its, well, lack of skyline. Up until 2010, the city of lights had a banon how tall a new building could be, limiting most new structures to below 37 meters, or about 11 stories. The rules have recently been relaxed, but the progress has been far from Dubai-like.巴黎天际线素来出名,原因竟然是由于人们看不见它的天际线。直到2010,巴黎政府开始限制新建筑的高度,规定部分新建筑不能高于37米或建筑层数不能超过11层。最近这一政策的限制有所放宽,但仍不如迪拜那样宽松。
As a result, Parisians and tourists alike get the chance to enjoy an unobstructed, almost-archaic view of the city, with the Eiffel Tower standing as the primary dominating point, piercing into the sky. Gleaming during the day, erupting into light in the evening. 因此埃菲尔铁塔成了巴黎最高的的建筑,直插云霄,巴黎居民和游客登上铁塔便能毫无障碍地鸟瞰整个城市的全貌。它不仅白天闪耀,晚上也熠熠发光。
But at what cost? The monument certainly keeps the meter whirring; each year it costs £963,600, or approximately $1.12 million. All told, the tower has a total of 20,000 light bulbs lining the frame, and it takes about 22 megawatts of electricity per day to run.然而,这发光的代价是什么?灯火通明的铁塔肯定会让电表转得飞快,每年政府都要为埃菲尔铁塔上的灯花掉90多万欧元,也就是近112万美元。铁塔上总共有2万个灯泡,每天用电量大概22兆瓦。
Lighting specialists Festive Lightscan be thanked for the detailed breakdown—but they didn’t stop there. If you’re curious about the costs to power the Las Vegas Strip of Times Squarefor instance, they have all the numbers ever needed on those major monuments, and more.照明专家们建立了一个名为Festive Lights的网站,如果你想知道拉斯维加斯的时代广场上灯光要“烧”掉多少钱,可以登陆这个网站,网站上面有所有主要景点及其他一些景点的灯光数据。
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