In July 1915, Henry and his eight-year-old daughter, Pearl, were excited for the company outing the next day. 1915年的7月,亨利和他八岁的女儿因次日公司安排的出游激动不已。
That evening, Henry had a violent argument with his landlord, ending with the landlord spitting on a painting of the Virgin Mary.当晚,亨利与房东发生激烈争吵,以房东朝着圣母玛利亚的画像吐口水收尾。
Henry was so upset, he fell ill and canceled their trip. 亨利很难过,因此病了,也取消了次日的出行。
He and Pearl missed the cruise on the SS Eastland, which sank with over 800 people on board—but not my future grandfather and mother. 尽管他和女儿想乘坐SS Eastland游轮出行。(然而没想到)那艘客轮倾覆,800多人罹难,还好其中不包括之后出生的祖父和母亲。
Thanks to that miracle argument 100 years ago, 22 descendants are alive today.感谢100年前仿佛有预知般的神奇争吵,22名子孙得以存活至今。
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