Google is giving the Press Association news agency a grant of €706,000 ($806,000) to start writing stories with the help of artificial intelligence. 谷歌将向英国国家通讯社提供70.6万欧元(80.6万美元)资金,帮助其借助人工智能进行新闻写作。
The money is coming out of the tech giant’s Digital News Initiative fund, which supports digital journalism in Europe. 这笔资金来自于谷歌的“数字新闻行动”基金,该基金旨在向欧洲的数字新闻行业提供资助。
The PA supplies news stories to media outlets all over the UK and Ireland, and will be working with a startup named Urbs Media to produce 30,000 local stories a month with the help of AI.英国国家通讯社目前向英国和爱尔兰的媒体机构提供新闻报道,未来还将和一家名为Urbs Media创业公司合作,在人工智能技术的辅助下每月撰写3万篇当地新闻报道。
The editor-in-chief of the Press Association, Peter Clifton, explained to The Guardian that the AI articles will be the product of collaboration with human journalists. 英国国家通讯社总编辑皮特•克里夫顿对英国《卫报》解释说,由人工智能撰写的新闻报道也会有人类记者参与。
Writers will create “detailed story templates”for topics like crime, health, and unemployment, and Urbs Media’s Radar tool (it stands for Reporters And Data And Robots) will fill in the blanks and helping localize each article. 记者将给犯罪、健康、失业等话题创建“详细的报道模板”,然后由Urbs Media的Radar(“Reporters And Data And Robots”的缩写,即“记者、数据与机器人”)工具填写这些模板中空白的地方,帮助实现每篇文章的本地化。
This sort of workflow has been used by media outlets for years, with the Los Angeles Times using AI to write news stories about earthquakes since 2014.其实新闻媒体采用此工作流程已有数年,从2014年起《洛杉矶时报》便开始利用人工智能技术来撰写关于地震的新闻报道了。
“Skilled human journalists will still be vital in the process,”said Clifton, “but Radar allows us to harness artificial intelligence to scale up to a volume of local stories that would be impossible to provide manually.”“经验丰富的人类记者在此新闻撰写工作中的作用仍旧至关重要,”克里夫顿说,“但是Radar可以让我们利用人工智能技术显著扩大当地新闻的数量,这个工作不可能凭人工操作完成。”
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