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发表于 2017-7-5 23:10:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        What are the top 10 things that really are worth your time?哪10件事最值得你花时间去做?
        获得4.7k好评的@Dylan Woon的回答:
        1. Hustling - at least 8 hours daily.忙一忙——每天至少8小时
        You take charge of your own life and make your dreams come true. You don’t just dream about it - you take massive action as well. 掌控你生活的是你自己,能让你的梦想成真的也是你自己。你不能只是做梦,你还得采取大量的行动。
        When you hustle, you manifest your intangible thoughts into tangible outcomes in the real world. 当你忙的时候,你能把那些模糊的想法变成确实的结果。
        Hustling isn’t about keeping yourself busy. It’s about identifying the tasks with the highest value and executing them ruthlessly. 我所说的“忙一忙”并不是指单纯地一直做事,而是说先鉴别出最有价值的任务,然后毫不犹豫地执行它们。
        While hustling isn’t a guarantee that you will succeed, failing to do so is a guarantee that you will fail.虽然这么做并不能保证你成功,但不这么做却能保证你失败。
        2. Slowing down in the middle of the day - 15 minutes daily.找个时间放慢脚步——每天15分钟
        Sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up with the never-ending hustling. 有时候,你很容易被永远做不完的事搞得焦头烂额。
        You may forget to stop and smell the roses. 你可能会忘了停下脚步欣赏沿途的风景。
        Slow down. Your mind needs that short break. 慢下来。你的大脑需要这样的小憩。
        Slow down whenever you catch yourself moving too fast. Doing so will reward you with extra energy and creativity.无论何时,只要你觉得自己走得太快了,就放慢脚步。这么做会让你获得额外的能量和创造力。
        3. Exercising - 30 minutes daily.锻炼——每天30分钟
        You already know how important exercise is, right? 你也知道运动很重要,对不对?
        It keeps your body in optimal condition, keeps your brain sharp and make you more confident. 它能让你的身体保持最佳状态,还能让你的大脑保持敏锐,并让你更加自信。
        Make sure you exercise daily no matter how busy you get. 无论多忙,都要确保每天运动。
        If you sacrifice health for wealth, someday you’re going to sacrifice your wealth for health.如果你现在为了财富而牺牲健康,总有一天你得为了健康而牺牲财富。
        4. Sleeping - 6 to 8 hours daily.睡觉——每天6-8小时
        I used to see people taking pride on their lack of sleep. 我以前经常看到人们因为睡得少而感到自豪。
        They’re proud of sleeping for 2 hours a night to pursue their dreams. 他们为了追求梦想而每天只睡2小时,并因此感到骄傲。
        Then, they fell sick after a few days and took double the sleeping time to recover…结果,没过几天他们就病了,得多睡一倍的时间才能康复。
        You have audacious goals, and that’s exactly why you must be well rested. 你的目标很远大,而正因为如此你才需要好好休息。
        Remember, you want to thrive in the long term.记住,你希望赢得的是长跑,而不是百米冲刺。
        5. Visualizing long, middle and short term goals - 5 minutes daily.想象长期、中期和短期的愿景——每天5分钟
        It’s easy to lose the big picture when you’re immersed in detailed executions. 当你埋头执行那些具体的任务时,你很容易忽略大局。
        It’s also easy to miss out the details executions when you’re grasping the big picture. 而当你规划大局的时候,你也很容易忘了想怎么执行细节。
        Visualizing long, middle and short term goals allow you to refresh your mind about your current situation. 将长、中、短期的愿景都想一想,这能让你重新激活大脑,让你把现况看得更清楚。
        6. Planning your day - 10 minutes daily.为这一天做计划——每天10分钟
        When you do #5, you set the goals or locate the destination. When you plan your day, you work on the specifics. 当你执行刚刚的第5条时,你是在确定你的目标和目的地;而当你制定当天的计划时,你是在处理具体的细节。
        A plan should be specific, actionable and measurable. 这些计划应该是具体、可执行、可量化的。
        Spend 10 minutes on planning everyday and you’ll experience a productivity boost.每天花10分钟计划一下,你的产出率会突飞猛进。
        7. Nurture your relationships - at least 1 hour daily.维护你的人际关系——每天至少1小时
        Your family and friends matter. 你的家人和朋友都是很重要的人。
        They appear in your life for reasons. 他们出现在你的生命中是有原因的。
        Cherish them. Let them know no matter how busy you are, you always have them in mind. 珍惜他们。让他们知道:无论你有多忙,你总会记着他们。
        8. Spending time with people you look up to - 1 hour daily.与那些你欣赏的人呆在一起——每天1小时
        There must be someone who is living the kind you life you envision. 肯定有人过着你梦想中的那种生活。
        Spend time with them. 花些时间和他们呆在一起。
        Spending time with these people need not be two-way all the time. 这种“呆在一起”并不一定得是双向的。
        You can also spend time with them via reading or actively learning from their YouTube videos.你也可以通过阅读他们的著作或者观看他们的YouTube视频来和他们“呆在一起”。
        9. Enjoying your hobby- 30 minutes daily.享受你的兴趣爱好——每天30分钟
        Can be gardening, writing, listening to music. 这可以是园艺、写作、听音乐等等等等。
        Basically anything. 基本上什么都可以。
        The time purposefully spent isn’t time wasted.像这样有意花掉的时间并不是一种浪费。
        10. Reflection before going to bed - 10 minutes daily.睡前反思——每天10分钟
        No matter how well you’ve done anything, there’s always room for improvement. 无论你把一件事情做得多么好,你总会有提升的空间。
        Reflect about the things you’ve done and think about how you can do better the next time. 回想一下你做了什么,再想想下次如何能做得更好。
        Just do that while laying, right before you sleep. 睡前躺着想一想就可以了。
        You don’t necessarily learn things from every reflection. But the more you reflect, the better you will understand about yourself and the better person you will be come in the long run.你并不一定会从每次反思中都学到东西。但是,你反思得越多,你对自己就越了解,而从长期来看你也会变成一个更好的人。

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