In mythology, humans had four arms, four legs, and two faces. Fearing them, Zeus split them into two, forcing an eternal search for their other half. Zeus failed.在神话故事中,人类有四只手,四只脚,两张脸。因为恐惧,宙斯把他们一分为二,让他们只能不断地寻找另外一半。宙斯失算了。
When my (now) husband arrived at my house for our first date, I opened the door to my other half, dressed exactly like me, head to toe: aviator Ray-Bans, Levis, Timberland boots, the same yellow ski jacket. 我(现在)的丈夫第一次来我家和我约会的时候,我打开门,看见我的另一半,和我着装一模一样,从头到脚:雷朋的飞行员系列墨镜、李维斯、天木兰的靴子,还有一样黄色滑雪夹克。
After our amazed laughter, he said, “One of us has to change.” I changed my clothes but not my mind. I knew we’d be together forever.在我们惊讶大笑之余,他说,“我们中的有一个人要改变。”我改变了着装风格,但是我的思想没变。我知道我们会在一起到永远。
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