6月9日,苹果CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)在美国麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of
Hello, MIT!
Thank you. Congratulations class of ’17. I especially want to thank
Chairman Millard, President Reif, distinguished faculty, trustees, and the
members of the class of 1967. It is a privilege to be here today with your
families and your friends on such on amazing and important day.
感谢大家。祝贺2017届毕业生。我要特别感谢麻省理工学院董事长罗伯特•米兰德(Robert Millard)、校长拉尔夫•赖夫(L. Rafael
MIT and Apple share so much. We both love hard problems. We love the search
for new ideas, and we especially love finding those ideas, the really big ones,
the ones that can change the world. I know MIT has a proud tradition of pranks
or as you would call them, hacks. And you have pulled off some pretty great ones
over the years. I’ll never figure out how MIT students sent that Mars rover to
the Kresge Oval, or put a propeller beanie on the great dome, or how you’ve
obviously taken over the president’s Twitter account. I can tell college
students are behind because most of the Tweets happen at 3:00 a.m.
I’m really happy to be here. Today is about celebration. And you have so
much to be proud of. As you leave here to start the next leg of your journey in
life, there will be days where you ask yourself, ‘Where is this all going?’
‘What is the purpose?’ ‘What is my purpose?’ I will be honest, I asked myself
that same question and it took nearly 15 years to answer it. Maybe by talking
about my journey today, I can save you some time.
The struggle for me started early on. In high school, I thought I
discovered my life’s purpose when I could answer that age-old question, ‘What do
you want to be when you grow up?’ Nope. In college I thought I’d discover it
when I could answer, ‘What’s your major?’ Not quite. I thought that maybe I’d
discovered it when I found a good job. Then I thought I just needed to get a few
promotions. That didn’t work either.
I kept convincing myself that it was just over the horizon, around the next
corner. Nothing worked. And it was really tearing me apart. Part of me kept
pushing ahead to the next achievement. And the other part kept asking, ‘Is this
all there is?’
I went to grad school at Duke looking for the answer. I tried meditation. I
sought guidance in religion. I read great philosophers and authors. And in a
moment of youthful indiscretion, I might even have experimented with a Windows
PC, and obviously that didn’t work.
After countless twists and turns, at last, 20 years ago, my search brought
me to Apple. At the time, the company was struggling to survive. Steve Jobs had
just returned to Apple, and had launched the ‘Think Different’ campaign. He
wanted to empower the crazy ones—the misfits, the rebels and the troublemakers,
the round pegs, and the square holes—to do the best work. If we could just do
that, Steve knew we could really change the world.
Before that moment, I had never met a leader with such passion or
encountered a company with such a clear and compelling purpose: to serve
humanity. It was just that simple. Serve humanity. And it was in that moment,
after 15 years of searching, something clicked. I finally felt aligned; aligned
with a company that brought together challenging, cutting-edge work with a
higher purpose; aligned with a leader who believed that technology which didn’t
exist yet could reinvent tomorrow’s world; aligned with myself and my own deep
need to serve something greater.
Of course, at that moment I don’t know all of that. I was just grateful to
have psychological burden lifted. But with the help of hindsight, my
breakthrough makes a lot more sense. I was never going to find my purpose
working some place without a clear sense of purpose of its own. Steve and Apple
freed me to throw my whole self into my work, to embrace their mission and make
it my own. How can I serve humanity? This is life’s biggest and most important
question. When you work towards something greater than yourself, you find
meaning, you find purpose. So the question I hope you will carry forward from
here is how will you serve humanity?
The good news is since you are here today you are on a great track. At MIT
you have learned how much power that science and technology have to change the
world for the better. Thanks to discoveries made right here, billions of people
are leading healthier, more productive and more fulfilling lives. And if we’re
ever going to solve some of the hardest problems facing the world today,
everything from cancer to climate change to educational inequality, then
technology will help us to do it.But technology alone isn’t the solution. And
sometimes it’s even part of the problem.