A friend who was down in the dumps wrote me a letter a few weeks ago. His life was full of problems. His heart was full of worries. He was low on hope.几周前,一位生活几经波折的友人给我来信,说他的生活中充斥着麻烦,对此他忧心忡忡、感到无望。
He ended his letter to me with this question: “We can’t really change this crazy world we live in, can we?” I answered him immediately and started my own letter with these words: “Yes, we most certainly can!”在信的结尾他问了这样一个问题:“我们确实无法改变这个疯狂的世界,难道不是么?”我即刻回信,以“我们当然能改变世界”来开头。
I can still remember one of the first times someone changed my world. She was the music teacher at my elementary school, the guitarist at our church, and a family friend. 在很多的第一次中我犹记得一个人改变了我的世界。她是我小学时的音乐老师,也是一名教堂吉他手,同时也是我们家的朋友。
I had a huge crush on her too and wanted to impress her more than anything. I had no talent at any instrument, however, and my singing while enthusiastic was quite awful. 我深深的对她着迷,做一切能够引起她注意的事情。在乐器方面我没有天赋;唱歌嘛,虽然饱含热情但是五音不全。
One day she let me try playing her guitar. I did my best but could only stumble along. When I was done I put my head down. “I guess I am not very good,” I told her.一天她让我试着弹弹她的吉他,我使出浑身解数,但还是很糟糕。奏毕,我低下了头说道:“我大概是一无是处了。”
She looked at me with her kind eyes, smiled, and said: “We are all good at something. You just need to find out what you are good at. Then you can share it with the world.”她温柔地注视着我,微笑着说:“我们都有所长,你只要去发现就好,然后为这个世界贡献你的力所能及。”
Those simple words changed me. They planted a seed in my soul that continues to grow to this day. They made me realize that I had something to give to others.她简简单单几句话,触动并改变了我,如同在我的心里播下了种子,生根发芽成长至今。这让我明白,我有可以给予他人的东西。
I had something inside of me that was good and that could change this world for the better. I just had to find it, bring it out and share it. And that is what I have tried to do all of the years since that fateful day.我内在的可取之物能够让世界变得更加美好。我要挖掘、激发并将它施予。从领悟自己的使命之日起,这就是我日日月月年年要做的事。
Can you change the world? Yes you can! You can change it and make it better every single day of your life. You can change it one choice, one person, and one kind act at a time. All you have to do is share your goodness. All you have to do is live your love. Make your love great then! Live well! Do good! Change the world!你能改变世界?是的你可以!每天改变一点,生活就美好一点。每次从一个选择、一个人、一个善行开始。施人慈悲,以爱之名生活。让你的爱变得伟大!好好生活!!多行善举!改变世界!
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