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发表于 2017-6-12 21:32:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        I have visited plenty of self improvement blogs and inspirational blogs these past few months and most of them all tell you that you need to wake up and state positive affirmations. When you wake up, you need to think that something great is going to happen today, and that you are going to have a great day. This positive energy is supposed to attract more positivity throughout your day.在最近几个月我访问了不少有关自我提升和自我激励的博客。其中大部分都是告诉你要清醒并保持乐观积极的状态。在你醒来的时候,你需要想着美好的事情即将发生,这将会让你拥有非常棒的一天。正能量会在这一天中贯穿累积。
        So this morning I woke up and decided to give it a whirl. The sun was shining bright through my bedroom window blinds, and it immediately gave me this warm feeling inside.所以今天一早我醒来就想着照着博客内容试试吧。从窗帘后面透进来的阳光明媚耀眼,让我即刻感到这中间的暖意。
        I thought to myself, "today is going to be a great day. One of the best days ever!".我想着,今天一定会好,它将会是迄今为止最好的一天。
        I got out of bed, took my morning shower and began to get dressed. I put on a pair of dress pants I have not warn in a while, followed by my dress shirt and that is when it began.我从床上起来,洗了个澡,然后开始穿衣。我穿上了一条西装裤,没有在意里面有什么,接着穿上了衬衫,发现有点不对劲了。
        I reached into my left pocket and pulled out what felt like some paper.我摸到左边的裤子口袋,拿出了类似纸张的东西。
        You know that feeling of finding a $20 bill in your pants and it feels like free money? Because you forgot all about it and assumed you never did?你了解那种从裤子口袋里面找到20美金的感觉么?因为完全忘了就感觉从来就不是你的。
        I pulled out a $100 bill and a $50 bill in the same pocket. Yes, $150 to start off my day that I forgot I had. It was one of the best feelings and I'm sure if someone could have seen the smile on my face they would have understood.在同一个口袋中我拿出了一张100美金和一张50美金。这种感觉不能更好了,如果你能看到我此刻脸上的笑容你就会了解那种感觉。
        I literally yelled in joy, with my poor puppy looking at me like I was crazy!我忘乎所以的大笑起来,我可怜的小狗就这么看着我的疯样。
        Moral of the story, start your morning off thinking you are going to have the best day ever and you just might! I wonder what will happen next :)这个故事告诉你,暗示自己今天会是最棒的一天,那就会如你所愿。我期待着接着将会发生什么:)

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