杰克船长遭伊丽莎白致命一吻后被章鱼怪卷走生死未卜,弃船逃走的“黑珍珠号”残部、威尔·特纳和伊丽莎白,结成救援小分队跟随解除不死魔咒后尚在人间的巴博萨船长到传说中的“世界尽头”搭救杰克。在女巫的指引下,巴博萨一行来到遥远的新加坡搬救兵。可这位救兵也绝非善类,被人称作“新加坡海盗王”的啸风带领一批好勇斗狠的喽罗霸占这一带水域,啸风也出手协助他们从与现实世界颠倒的世界尽头把杰克找了回来。,而这时他和巴博萨等人也知道贝克特和大卫·琼斯即将杀到,危急关头,七大海域的海盗王被召集在一起,结成统一战线,为了海盗的生存和自由的灵魂进行最后的抗争。 【选词片段】
SaoFeng: By this time tomorrow, we will arrive at shipwreck Cove and you will be free. Calypso.
Swann: Excuse me?
SaoFeng: Not a name you fancy, I imagine, out of the many you have……but it is what we call you.
Swann: We being who?
SaoFeng: You confirm it.
Swann: Confirm what. You’ve told we nothing.
SaoFeng: The Brethren Court, not I. The first Brethren Court, whose decision. I would have opposed. They bound you to human form. So the rule of the seas would belong to man and not…To me. But one such as, you should never be anything less than, what you are.
Swann: Pretty speech from a captor. But words whispered through prison by lose their charm.
SaoFeng: Can I be blamed for my efforts? All men are drawn to the sea, perilosy though it may be.
Swann: And some men offer desire as justification for their crimes.
SaoFeng: I offer simply my desire.
Swann: And in return?
SaoFeng: I would have your gifts, should you choose to give them.
Swann: And if I should choose not?
SaoFeng: Then I will take…your fury. 知识点详见下页~
1. by this time
啸风认为海神就被封印在斯旺的体内,想要释放她,称霸大海。啸风说,明天的这个时候,你就会被释放,科隆布索。斯旺很奇怪,说,什么?啸风说,你有很多名字,恐怕你不喜欢这个吧!但是,我们就是这样称呼你的。斯旺回答说,我们指谁呢?By this time的意思是到这个时候。
2. belong to
啸风说,你终于承认了。斯旺说,我承认什么了,你什么也没有告诉我。啸风谈到,第一届海盗会做出封印你的决定,但是,我不支持。所以,大海才属于人类,而不是我,你应该成为你本来的样子。Belong to在这里是属于的意思,大海属于人类。
3. choose to
啸风说,你不能责怪我的努力,所有男人都被大海吸引,尽管它十分危险。斯旺说,有人把欲望当做开脱罪行的借口。啸风说,我只是说出了我的欲望而已。我想要你的恩赐,如果你肯赐予的话。Choose to的意思是选择。