本次英语六级口语考试中,第四场的个人陈述(Individual Presentation)主题是“What makes a good leader (优秀领导的特质)”,要求考生在1.5分钟内针对这一主题展开陈述。准备时间为1分钟,建议大家尽量做到发音标准、词汇丰富、句式多变、思路清晰、语言连贯。接下来,我们来看一下就“优秀领导的特质”这一主题表达时常用的一些表述,供各位考生进行参考。
What makes a good leader
When it comes to defining the qualities of a good leader, a wide range of factors can be mentioned, such as honesty, communication, confidence, commitment, creativity, respect ect. From my perspective, I will consider effective communication as the crucial trait of being a good leader.
Leaders are the masters of connections and communication, a skill that despite being mostly innate can be learned. A good leader must have the ability to connect with employees, customers, suppliers, partners, media and other groups, to connect their ideas with market needs, and to communicate their ideas and vision.
He should be able to put across what needs to be done and how. At the same time, he should be willing to accept relevant suggestions from his subordinates. He also should have the ability to listen, question, analyze and observe effectively. And that is what I think makes a good leader--effective communication.
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