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发表于 2017-5-15 17:04:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        When you’re on the hunt for a new job, the last thing you want is to unknowingly sabotage your chances. The best way to keep that from happening is to ensure that your résumé is airtight. To start, get rid of these eight things.当你正在求职,你最不希望无形中损害了自己的机会。避免这件事情发生的最佳方法就是保证你的简历是无懈可击的。那么在开始着手的时候,就要抛弃以下这8件事情。
        1. An objective1. 求职目标
        If you’re applying to a job, chances are your objective is to get that job. Objectives or statements of purpose take up space that could be put to better use ― and your cover letter is where you should really expand on what you have to offer.如果你正申请一份职位,那么很有可能你的目标就是得到这份工作。目标与目的陈述会占用那些有更大用处的空间——所以你的求职信才是真正让你展开自我描述的地方。
        2. A less-than-professional email address2. 欠缺专业性的电子邮箱地址
        Yogagirl25 is great for organizing brunches with friends, but when you’re applying for a job, stick to an email account that’s straightforward and professional. If that means making a new account, do it. “Yogagirl25”这个名字很适合与朋友交往的时候使用,但是如果你在求职,最好使用一个直接明了兼具专业性的邮箱账户。如果这需要你新建一个邮箱地址,那就建吧。
        3. Basic skills3. 基本技能
        It’s 2017. If you don’t know how to use Microsoft Word you should probably take a computer course before trying to find a job. Any skills that are assumed or super general should be left off in favor of actual specialized skills (like proficient in front-end coding or fluent in Mandarin) that you’ve garnered.现在已经2017年了,如果你还不会使用word文档,你真的需要先报一门电脑课程了。任何虚报或极其笼统的技能都不应该出现在简历上,而应该把你早已获得的实际专业技能(比如熟悉代码编程或流利的普通话)包括在内。
        4. Annoying business jargon4. 令人生厌的行话
        We’re sure you’re more than qualified to ideate on the latest market trends, but using business jargon is unnecessary and makes it seem like you’re overcompensating. Be straightforward in your descriptions of jobs and your work will speak for itself, no fancy language necessary.我们都相信你的能力不仅限于想象最新的市场趋势,但是使用商业行话是没有必要的,而且还会让你看起来在过度补充信息。倒不如直接描述你对职业的看法,你的工作会显示你的能力,而任何华丽的语言都是多余的。
        5. Anything you did in high school5. 中学经历
        Unless you’ve just graduated, stick to what you did in college and after. Being the recording secretary of the National Honor Society doesn’t carry much weight in the grand scheme. Same goes for your college GPA.除非你是刚刚毕业的学生,不然你只需要列出大学及以后的经历就可以了。在知名社团充当记录员不会让你获得多大好处。你的大学绩点也一样。
        6. Irrelevant hobbies6. 无关要紧的兴趣爱好
        Being well-rounded was important when you were applying to colleges, but when you’re trying to get a job, the initial stages of the application process usually focus on getting qualified people in the door. If you make it to an interview, that’s the time to talk about your amateur cycling career.如果你在申请入学,那么多才多艺绝对为你加分不少,但是如果你在求职,那么在初步阶段通常是招募具备资格的人们。如果你能够进入到面试的阶段,那才是让你分享自己作为业余自行车爱好者的时候。
        7. “References available on request”7. “如有需要,可提供推荐信”
        This line is fairly useless. If an employer wants to reach out to references, they’ll ask. And chances are, you’ll oblige. Saying that you have references is stating the obvious and is another unnecessary space waster.这句话真是相当无用。如果雇主真的想要你的推荐信,他们会提出要求。而很有可能,你会主动要求。如果你在简历里说你能够提供推荐信,这是明显得不必多说的事情,还会浪费空间。
        8. A second page8. 附页
        Just stick to one. Imagine how many résumés the person doing the hiring has to read. Would you want to be burdened with multiple pages?一页纸就行了。你得想想招聘者需要看多少份简历。你会希望多出来的纸张给你增加负担吗?

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