House of Cards Cancellation Rumors False...Season 5 trailer has arrived!《纸牌屋》取订流言不攻自破...第5季预告片现已发布!
While the series has been showcasing the deadly, social-climbing arc of Frank Underwood from lowly South Carolinian House Majority Whip to Vice-President to inheritor President, the Season 5 trailer shows the maestro of political manipulation fully unleashed in a frightening way.该剧前几季,一直在讲述弗兰克·安德伍德如何摸爬滚打、缓缓爬升,逐步从身份卑微的南卡州众议院多数党党鞭晋升到副总统,最后跻身总统继任者。然而第5季预告片却全程以一种令人毛骨悚然的方式,向大家展现了政治操纵大师的两三事。
Frank's trailer tagline, "The American people don't know what's best for them.... I do," is supplemented by scenes showing him delving even deeper into his indulgences and outright declaring his intention to continue his misbegotten leadership pretty much in perpetuity.弗兰克在预告片中的标志性台词:“美国人民不知道什么对于他们来说才是最好...但我知道。”与其在剧中费尽心思、执迷于将拙劣的领导方式进行到底的场景大相呼应。
Indeed, Frank's coined catchphrase, "One nation, Underwood" has become demonstrably literal.看来,弗兰克的自创口号“唯有一国方可存留 — 安德伍德之国”,可不是句玩笑话。
Currently, much like the release date, Netflix is keeping us primarily in the dark about House of Cards season 5.截至目前,网飞公司未向观众透露任何有关新剧的剧情,与当初迟迟不公布发行日期一样充满神秘。
However, the first bit of definitive news we’ve had about the fifth season is new faces that will likely bedevil and amuse Frank endlessly for episodes to come.不过,首条关于第5季的官方消息表明,该季会有大量新面孔加入,将折磨、捉弄弗兰克进行到底。
And the biggest shakeup about season 5 is that the series is changing showrunners.另外,第5季最大的变动,则是要更换制片人。
Let's look forward to Frank Underwood's return on May 30th, 2017.让我们翘首以待弗兰克·安德伍德2017年5月30日的回归吧!
(翻译:Rory) |