A study found pedal power could cut the risk of dying prematurely by 41%.一项研究发现,骑自行车可以将早亡的风险降低41%。
Those who walk to work experience major health benefits too, but not to the same degree as people using their bike, experts found.专家发现,那些步行上班的人在健康上也受益匪浅,只是受益程度与骑自行车的人相比不同罢了。
Dr Carlos Celis-Morales, from the University of Glasgow which carried out the research, said: “This may be because walkers commuted shorter distances than cyclists, typically six miles per week, compared with 30 miles per week and walking is generally a lower intensity of exercise than cycling.”格拉斯哥大学的卡洛斯·赛里斯·莫拉莱斯博士进行了这项研究,他表示:“这可能是因为步行者比骑行者往返的距离要短,一般步行者每周走6英里,而骑行者每周会骑行30英里,并且步行通常比骑行的运动强度要低。”
The study found that compared with driving or taking public transport, cycling to work is linked to a 45% lower risk of developing cancer. It was 46% for cardiovascular disease.研究发现,与驾车或乘坐公共交通相比,骑自行车去上班与降低罹患癌症的风险有关,而且可将风险降低45%。骑自行车还可以将患心血管疾病的风险降低46%。
Researchers found that walking to work was associated with a 27% lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. But it did not significantly reduce the likelihood of getting cancer.研究人员发现,步行上班与降低患心血管疾病的风险有关,并且可将风险降低27%。但步行上班无法显著地降低罹患癌症的可能性。
There were also some health advantages to cycling part of a journey. Dr Jason Gill, from the university, urged the government to make it easier for people to commute by bike, including creating more cycle lanes and bike hire schemes.在旅行中骑行一段距离也是有着若干健康益处的。来自大学的詹森·吉尔博士强烈要求政府为人们骑自行车上下班提供更多便利,例如修更多的自行车道以及推出自行车租赁方案。
He said it would generate “major opportunities for public health improvement”.他说这会“为改善公众健康创造更多机会”。
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