唐三彩(Tricolor-glazed Pottery of the Tang
一种风格独犄的艺术品。它以造型生动、色彩丰寓而著称。唐代是一个繁荣昌盛的时代,唐三彩就盛行于此时。 在那时唐三彩不仅在国内风行一时,而且还闻名于海外。
Tricolor-glazed Pottery of the Tang Dynasty is a kind of famous pottery.Its birth could date back to the time before the Tang Dynasty. "Tricolor" means
a lot of colors rather than just three colors.The pottery absorbed the
techniques of Chinese painting and sculpture to form a unique style of arts.It
is known for its vivid figures and rich colors. The Tang Dynasty was a time of
prosperity when the pottery was prevailing.At that time,tricolor-glazed
pottery of the Tang Dynasty was not only popular at home,but also well-known