Jimmy Kimmel has mocked United Airlines with a parody advert after the air company sparked global outrage for violently removing a passenger from an overbooked flight so staff could take his seat.美联航暴力地将一名乘客赶下超售的航班,以使其职员坐到这名乘客的座位上,而引起全民公愤,之后吉米·坎摩尔用一个滑稽模仿的广告嘲弄了美联航。
The talk show host launched into an acerbic attack on United during his late night show Jimmy Kimmel Live! and shared the spoof video for the airline to potentially use before take-off for future trips.这位脱口秀主持人在他的深夜秀节目《吉米鸡毛秀》中对美联航进行了尖刻的抨击,并且还分享了未来出行时该航空公司在飞机起飞前可能会用到的恶搞视频。
The video featured a flight attendant, armed with brass knuckle dusters, who warned customers what to expect when they arrive on board.该视频突出了一位佩戴着黄铜制指关节保护套的乘务员,她提醒着乘客在飞机上应做些什么。
"We're United Airlines. You do what we say when we say, and there won't be a problem, capiche?" the female attendant says with a passive aggressive grin.“我们是美国联合航空公司。当我们说话的时候,你要按我们说的去做,不会有问题的,明白吗?”这名女空乘假笑着说道。
"Give us a problem and we'll drag your ass off the plane, and if you resist, we'll beat you so badly you'll be using your own face as a flotation device."“给我们制造问题,我们会把你拖下飞机;如果你抵抗的话,我们会揍到你可以用自己的脸当漂浮工具(也就是把你的脸打肿)。”
Kimmel himself also directly took aim at the airline during the show, joking that the forcible removal was reminiscent of his mother getting him out of bed back in school days.在脱口秀中,吉米本人也直接把矛头对准美联航,他开玩笑道,强制性把人拖走事件使我想起了上学的时候妈妈把我从床上拽起来的场景。
He added: “I don't even understand this, by the way. I've been to 100 games in stadiums with 50,000 seats, they never sell the seat two times to one person, but for some reason, airlines cannot figure this out.”他补充道:“顺便说一句,我不太明白这个情况。在可容纳50000名观众的体育馆中,我去看过100场比赛,他们从未把一个人的座位出售两次,然而,由于某种原因,航空公司却无法解决这个问题。”
For Kimmel, one of the worst aspects of the whole furore was the way United Airlines CEO Oscar Munoz dealt with the situation.对吉米而言,整个骚动中最糟糕的一点就是美联航总裁奥斯卡·穆诺茨处理该事件的方式。
In a statement released via Twitter, Mr Munoz said: "This is an upsetting event to all of us here at United. I apologise for having to re-accommodate these customers..." "He said 're-accommodate.' This is like when we re-accommodated El Chapo in Mexico," Kimmel joked.穆诺茨在推特上发表了一篇声明,写道:“对我们美联航的所有人而言,这都是一个令人苦恼的事件。我为必须重新安置这些乘客而感到抱歉……”“他说‘重新安置’,这就像我们在墨西哥重新安置乔奎恩·古兹曼(墨西哥毒枭),”吉米开玩笑道。
In a second statement later in the day, Mr Munoz apologised to employees, “I’m sorry. We will fix this.”在当日晚些时候,穆诺茨发表了第二条声明,并向员工致歉,“我很抱歉。我们会解决这个事件。”
"No one should ever be mistreated this way,” he wrote. “I want you to know that we take full responsibility and we will work to make it right.”“任何人都不应该被这样虐待,”他写道。“我想让你知道,我们会承担一切责任,我们会去改正。”
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