Companies and composers have begun using software to make music customized to your brainwaves. 一些公司和音乐创作者开始借助软件,根据脑电波为人们量身定做音乐。
Soon you will be able to plug in your headphones, lean back in your chair, and relax to a playlist so synchronized with your brain’s chemistry that it increases your productivity, sleep quality, and even fights anxiety.再过不久,你就能插着耳机,躺在椅子上,听着播放列表里与你大脑化学物质相符的音乐 — 这些音乐能够帮助你提高效率与睡眠质量,甚至克服焦虑。
The frequency at which your brain resonates defines your state of mind. Need to chill out? Try alpha activity. Or what about a pre-workout pep-up? Pop on some beta waves.大脑的共振频率决定我们的精神状态。需要放松一下吗?刺激大脑的α电波吧。或者想要热热身?那就刺激一下大脑的β电波吧。
As consumer desire for personalized information and outcomes increases, the ability to listen to music that is literally in tune with your brain will provide a whole new business opportunity in the world of music streaming.由于人们对于个性化信息与结果的消费欲望日益加强,能够听到与人类大脑相得益彰的音乐对于世界流媒体音乐来说,无疑是个全新的商机。
Miranda is a musician and composer who is best known for his liberal use of the electroencephalogram (EEG) machine to create complex string arrangements. For his next act, he is using brainwave-imaging software to change how he creates his music.音乐家、创作家米兰达以其大开脑洞地利用脑电波仪器进行复杂弦乐编曲而闻名。而他接下来的目标,是改变自己现有的音乐创作方式,转而使用脑电波成像软件进行创作。
He says that soon, with a few alterations, companies could use his research to create a product that empowers consumers to take greater control over their emotional state.他说,再过不久,等他做完一些小修改,公司就能利用他的研究开发出一款新产品 — 这款产品能让顾客朋友更好地控制自己的情绪状态。
Some companies, such as Affectiva are experimenting with lie-detector technology that measures consumers’ mood through their sweat, heartbeat, and facial expressions.部分公司,例如“情绪识别公司”,它们利用测谎仪技术进行实验,通过出汗量、心跳与面部表情来判断顾客的心情。
But other companies are trying a different tact entirely. On website Brain.fm, listeners plug in their headphones and listen to songs that activate their alpha and beta waves in order to relax, focus, meditate, nap, or sleep.而另一部分公司,则采用了截然不同的方法。“神经学音效治疗之声”网站为听众提供了许多能够激活大脑α电波与β电波的音乐,听众只需戴上耳机,就能收听到有助于放松、集中注意力、冥想、小睡、深度睡眠等需求的相关歌曲。
Our brains are sophisticated electrical factories, powered by more than 100 billion nerve cells. By synchronizing our biological rhythm to environmental cues like music, consumers will soon be able to optimize and choose when they relax, focus, and fight anxiety.我们的大脑是复杂的电工厂,由超过1千亿神经细胞共同运作。通过运用将生物节奏调和至与环境信号(如音乐)一致的技术,相信过不了多久,顾客朋友们就能够完善与选择自己放松休息、集中精力以及克服焦虑的状态了。
(翻译:Rory) |