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发表于 2017-4-19 18:34:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        When you're doing your makeup for a job interview, think soft and natural. Overall a good rule of thumb is to choose shades within a close range of your skin tone. For example, here our model is wearing nude lip gloss, light bronzer and dusk rose eye shadow. A pale lady would want to avoid heavy magenta blush, and a darker skinned woman would want to avoid bright pink lipstick or light beige eyeshadow.如果你在准备求职面试的妆容,请尽量保持柔和而自然。总的来说有一个好方法,那便是选择最贴近皮肤颜色的阴影粉。举个例子,图中我们的模特儿就使用了裸色的唇彩,浅色号阴影粉以及黄昏玫瑰色眼影。皮肤苍白的女士要注意避免使用深红色的腮红,而肤色较深的女士也要注意避免使用亮粉红色的唇膏或亮肤色的眼影。



        Beyond the basic idea that your interview makeup shouldn't be loud or distracting, what else works and what doesn't? Can you wear red lipstick to an interview? What about a cat eye? Are false eyelashes a good idea?最基本的原则就是你的面试妆容不能太刺眼或花哨,除此之外还有哪些值得参考或不能使用的方法?你是否可以涂口红去面试?能不能化个炫目的眼妆?假睫毛怎么样?
        Primed Against Blush使用妆前霜掩盖脸红



        If you're prone to deep flushing when you're nervous or flustered, and anticipate an intense interview, you may want to go light on the blush you apply and opt for a sheer bronzer or highlighter instead. And if you're seriously concerned about getting red, considering using a green-tinted primer before you apply your makeup. Though it won't be outwardly noticeable, it will help counteract any redness should blood start rushing to your cheeks.如果在你紧张或激动的时候会脸红,然后又期待着一场紧张的面试,那么你就应该使用色调明亮的腮红,透明的阴影粉或高光粉。如果你非常担心脸红的问题,那就考虑使用绿色色调的妆前霜。虽然看起来不会那么明显,但它可以在你的血液开始涌现在脸颊的时候达到抵消泛红的效果。
        Do You Know Your Job Interview Makeup Do's and Don't's?您知道有哪些面试妆容的注意事项吗?



        Although false eyelashes might make you appear awake and wide-eyed, save them for the company holiday party - not for the interview. Can you imagine if your false lashes came off during your meeting? You don't want to be worrying too much about your appearance, so you can focus on acing your interview questions. Rather than falsies, opt for a coat of black, waterproof mascara (that way it'll be weatherproof, sweatproof and tearproof) instead.虽然使用假睫毛可以让你看起来很精神和眼睛大大的,但是你把它们留在公司派对的时候再使用吧——不要在面试的时候使用。你能否想象,如果你的假睫毛在面试的过程掉了下来怎么办?你不想过于关注自己的外表,这样你才能专心回答问题。与其使用假睫毛,倒不如使用一点黑色防水的睫毛膏(这样就能防风雨,防汗水和防泪水)。
        Avoid Clumpy Mascara at a Job Interview小心睫毛膏结块



        That being said, don't go crazy with the mascara and end up with clumpy lashes. You want to look professional and polished - not like you just got home from a hectic night at the club. In the case of interview makeup, less is much, much more.也就是说,不要涂太多睫毛膏,免得最后变成厚重的睫毛。你的形象应该是专业和亮眼的,而不是刚从夜店忙完回家的样子。在求职面试的妆容上,妆容越轻意义就越大,大得多。
        Natural Lip Gloss is a Lovely Choice for a Job Interview自然色唇彩是一个不错的选择



        If you are inclined to use lipstick or lip gloss, keep the shade within a reasonable range of your natural lip color. Be careful with gloss: you don't want it to look sticky, get smeared or dry up and leave nasty white residue. A thin, moisturizing lip gloss or even lip balm is a safe choice.如果你喜欢使用唇膏或唇彩,请记得把颜色控制在接近嘴唇颜色的范围内。小心地使用唇彩:你不想让嘴唇看起来黏黏的,脏脏的,干巴巴的或留有难看的白色残留物。选择一种颜色淡淡的,滋润型的唇彩甚至是润唇膏都是安全的选择。
        Be Classy About Your Red Lipstick选择优雅的口红



        Red lips are a glamorous classic - but maybe not for your interview. Here's the thing: red lipstick isn't a terrible "don't,"it's just something to approach with caution. So when can it work? If the rest of your look is understated - an all-black dress and shoe combination, and minimal eye makeup, you might be able to get away with it. But your lipstick must be applied with care. Bare lips would be better than blotchy lipstick or smudged lip liner. And you probably don't want to be worrying about that during your interview.红唇都是最迷人的经典——但也许对求职面试并不奏效。事实是这样的:红唇不是糟糕的“否决”选项,只是需要稍加注意。那么什么时候才能派上用场?如果你的其他部分装扮看起来很朴素——全黑套装加鞋子,几乎没有眼妆,那么你可以试试红唇妆。但是口红的颜色也要小心挑选。裸唇妆总比污点斑斑的唇膏或唇线膏安全,并且面试的过程你还不必担心。
        Mineral Powder is the Antidote to a Nervous Sheen矿物散粉拯救油光



        An interview can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it's important to keep your cool and perform under pressure. If you're prone to sweating or getting red when you're stressed, a lightweight mineral powder will come in handy. Just dust it on your face, either over your foundation, concealer or bare skin if you aren't wearing a base later, using a large brush like the one pictured above. This will help dry up any sweat so you don't look greasy and will also lend an even tone to your face.参与面试算得上一次让人大伤脑筋的体验,但你很有必要保持冷静并在压力下发挥。如果你很容易在感到有压力的时候流汗或者脸红,那么淡淡的散粉就能派上用场。如果你随后不再化底妆,那么你可以使用一个类似图片上的刷子把散粉轻轻扫在脸上,不管你已经使用了粉底,遮瑕膏还是只是素颜。这样可以帮助你保持皮肤干燥,你的脸上看起来就不会油腻腻的了,而且还能让你的肤色看起来更均匀。
        Try Pencil Eyeliner for a Softer Look使用眼线笔,妆容看起来更柔和



        If you're used to doing cat eyeliner, tone it down for your interview. Rather than extending your eyeliner past the outer edge of your eye, end it right there. You can also use a pencil, as opposed to liquid liner, to achieve a softer, less harsh look.如果你习惯了描画夸张的眼线,请在面试的时候降低它的程度。与其把眼线的长度画得超出眼睛轮廓范围,还不如直接画到眼角。你还可以使用眼线笔,而不是眼线液,这样你的妆容看起来更柔和,更平易近人。
        Forget About The Crazy Eye Shadow抛弃夸张的眼影



        Forget about the crazy, colorful eye shadow. If you choose to wear eye shadow, it should hardly be noticeable. You want to be able to make firm, confident eye contact while you answer questions, and your interviewer's attention should be on your answers themselves, not on your loud eye makeup.不要使用夸张,色彩缤纷的眼影了。如果你想要画点眼影,那么它的颜色应该是不易发现的。你希望在回答问题的时候坚定而自信地与面试官眼神交流,而面试官的注意力也应该放在你的回答上,而不是你炫目的眼妆上。
        Choose Natural Tones for Your Eye Shadow使用自然色调的眼影



        That being said, opt for natural tones if you choose to wear eye shadow for an interview. Earth tones are a safe bet; and easy to apply. Just use a lighter, slightly luminescent shade (close to your skin tone) on your lids, then add some depth with a medium shade on the outer corners of your eyes.也就是说,如果你准备在面试的时候涂点眼影,那就应该选择自然色调的。大地色的眼影是安全的选择,也很容易使用。在眼睑上使用稍亮,稍微发光的阴影(贴近肤色的),然后在眼睛外部再添加一层颜色较深的眼影。

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