As I looked round Oxford today, I couldn’t help but be aware of the majesty and grandeur of this great institution, not to mention the brilliance of the great and gifted minds that have roamed these streets for centuries. The walls of Oxford have not only housed the greatest philosophical and scientific geniuses—they have also ushered forth some of the most cherished creators of children’s literature, from Tolkien to Lewis. Today I was allowed to hobble into the dining hall in Christ Church to see Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland immortalized in the stained glass windows. And even one of my own fellow Americans, the beloved Dr Seuss graced these halls and then went on to leave his mark on the imaginations of millions of children throughout the world.
今天我参观牛津大学,不禁被这座伟大建筑的宏伟壮观吸引,更不用说这里云 集了几个世纪以来的精英才俊们了,他们的睿智绽放着炫耀光芒。牛津不仅汇聚了 最出色的哲学和科学英才,还培养出了从托尔金到刘易斯等众多极富爱心的儿童文 学家。今天,我有幸参观了路易斯卡罗尔创作的《爱丽丝漫游仙境》,它被雕刻 在基督堂餐厅已经褪了色的彩色玻璃窗上。我甚至还发现我的一位美国同胞——受人敬爱的苏斯博士——也为此增色,启发着全世界千万儿童的想象力。
I suppose I should start by listing my qualifications to speak before you this evening.
Friends, I do not claim to have the academic expertise of other speakers who have addressed this hall, just as they could lay little claim at being adept at the moonwalk~and you know, Einstein in particular was really terrible at that. But I do have a claim to having experienced more places and cultures than most people will ever see. Human knowledge consists not only of libraries ofparchment and ink~it is also comprised of the volumes of knowledge that are written on the human heart, chiseled on the human soul, and engraved on the human psyche. And friends, I have encountered so much in this relatively short life of mine that I still cannot believe I am only 42. I often tell Shmuley that in soul years I,m sure that I,m at least 80-and tonight I even walk like I,m 80.
朋友们,正如其他一些来牛津演讲的演讲者不擅长月球漫步一样,我也并不具 备他们所拥有的学术专业知识,而且你们都知道爱因斯坦是学识方面的权威。但我 可以说,比起大多数人,我游历了更多的地方,也经历了更多不同的文化。人类文 明不仅仅包括图书馆中纸墨记载的那一部分,还包括记录在人们内心的,镌刻进人 们灵魂的,铭记在人类精神中的那一部分。而且,朋友们,在我相对短暂的生命里 我经历了这么多之后,我真的难以相信自己只有42岁。我经常对施慕礼说,我的心 理年龄肯定至少有80了,今晚我甚至像个80岁老人一样走路。
So please harken to my message, because what I have to tell you tonight can bring healing to humanity and healing to our planet.
那么就请大家仔细听我的演讲,因为今天我要对大家讲的或许会让大家共同来 拯救人类,拯救地球!
Through the grace of God, I have been fortunate to have achieved many of my artistic and professional aspirations realized early in my lifetime. But these, friends are accomplishments, and accomplishments alone are not synonymous with who I am. Indeed,the cheery five-year-old who belted out Rockin3 Robin and Ben to adoring crowds was not indicative of the boy behind the smile.
多亏上帝的恩典,我很幸运地提前实现了许多自己一生的艺术和职业抱负。虽 然我为这些成绩感到高兴,但这些成绩和我是谁完全没有关系。事实上,在崇拜者面前活泼快乐地表演《摇滚知更鸟》和《本》的5岁小男孩并不意味着笑容背后的他 也同样快乐。
Tonight,I come before you less as an icon of pop (whatever that means anyway), and more as an icon of a generation, a generation that no longer knows what it means to be children. All of us are products of our childhood. But I am the product of a lack of a childhood, an absence of that precious and wondrous age when we frolic playfully without a care in the world, basking in the adoration of parents and relatives, where our biggest concern is studying for that big spelling test come Monday morning. Those of you who are familiar with the Jackson Five know that I began performing at the tender age of five and that ever since then, I haven’t stopped dancing or singing.
今晚,我不想以一个流行偶像的身份——不管这个身份意味着什么——出现在 大家面前,我更愿意作一代人的见证,一代不再了解作为孩子有什么意义的人们的 见证。大家都有过童年,而我却缺少童年,缺少那些宝贵的、美妙的、无优无虑嬉 戏玩耍的时光,而那些日子我们本该惬意地沉浸在父母亲人的疼爱中,最担心的也 不过是星期一重要的拼写考试。熟悉杰克逊五人乐队的朋友都知道我5岁时就开始表 演,从那以后,就再也没有停止过跳舞唱歌。虽然音乐表演的确是我最大的乐趣, 可是小时候我更想和其他的男孩子一样,搭树巢,打水仗,捉迷藏。 |