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6. Stay informed.6. 保持消息灵通。
Be prepared to read professional literature, websites, and correspondence that circulates the office or on the web. Don’t be afraid to ask your supervisor for information or literature or anything that could help you understand the organization and the job better. When the time feels right you may want to make some recommendations based on what you’ve learned and how you think things could be improved.准备好浏览专业的文献,网站,还有办公室里或网站上更新的通讯稿件。要敢于向主管求助,请他为你提供了解公司和工作内容的信息或文献或任何信息。当时机到来时,你会想要根据你所了解到的内容和你认为能够改善问题的方法提出建议。
7. Ask lots of questions.7. 多提问题。
It’s much better to ask questions than to make a bunch of unnecessary mistakes.当个“问题少年”总比犯下一堆错误好。
Supervisors usually welcome questions unless it appears that you are not learning and keep asking the same questions over and over.主管们都非常乐意解答员工的问题,除非你没有学习到任何事情,还一直问同样的问题。
8. Request performance reviews.8. 请求绩效评估。
In order to do a good job it’s important to get feedback from your employers so that you can find ways that you can improve. Lack of feedback on the job leaves employees unsure of their value and a lack of knowledge on how they can improve their performance.为了在工作上表现得更出色,你有必要请求雇主对你的工作表现作出反馈,以便寻找增进工作表现的方法。缺少工作表现的反馈会让员工们失去工作信心,还会让他们无法清楚如何改善工作表现。
9. Show respect for everyone.9. 尊重所有人。
From the CEO to the janitor, be sure that you treat everyone with respect. This one trait goes a long way towards being considered for full-time employment should a job open up. Even if you are a good worker, being arrogant or unfriendly to people within the organization, could cost you a job or a good recommendation. Employers usually hire people that they feel will fit in well with the other people in the organization; so as an intern, it's your job to get along with everyone. Also, be sure to avoid office gossip since that can get you into a lot of hot water.从行政总裁到公司门卫,你都要对每个人表示尊重。这个特质对你以后获得全职职位的机会大有帮助。即使你是一名工作表现很不错,但是你在公司里狂妄自大,待人不友好,这也会让你失去一个工作机会或一位得力的推荐人。雇主们通常都会雇用那些能够与其他同事友好相处的员工,所以作为一名实习生,你有必要跟每一位打好交道。再者,要注意远离办公室八卦,因为你很有可能因此陷入困境。
10. Stay focused on the job.10. 专注于工作。
It may seem ok to surf the internet or to make personal calls or text at times when you are not busy on the job, but you can be sure that this is not ok when your supervisor needs your help. In addition to being distracting, it will take you away from other learning activities or chances to communicate with supervisors, co-workers, or even other interns.在你工作不忙碌的时候,你可以浏览网页,打私人电话或者有时候发发短信息。但要注意当你的主管需要你的时候就不能这么做了。这样不仅会造成干扰,还会让你失去其他与主管、同事甚至是其他实习生的学习活动和机会。 |