As wonderful as the holidays are, this season is anything but relaxing for most of us.节日假期的最大意义,就是让我们大部分人休息放松。
It marks a time when most businesses have to go into hyper-drive to meet booming demand from customers and clients. For many, it even accounts for 30% of the year's profits.节日假期标志着大多数企业机构必须全力以赴达到顾客与客户日益增长的需求。对于许多公司来说,这段时期的营业额甚至占据了全年业绩的30%。
Couple that with numerous holiday parties (you can't say 'no' to all of them), along with squeezing in much-needed time off and plenty of distractions, and you have a winter storm that can destroy productivity.随之而来的是无数节日派对(你还不能拒绝每一个),并挤出许多必要的时间休息放松,还有各种各样的干扰,就这样,你就像遇上了冬季的暴风雪,几乎毁了你的工作效率。
So how do you maintain your sanity, and most importantly, actually enjoy the holidays, during this rush?那么,你该如何保持清醒的头脑,并且最重要的,就是真真实实地在这段匆匆的时光中好好享受呢?
1. Pare down the parties1. 减少参加派对的次数
'Tis the season for hundreds of emails flooding your inbox with the subject "Holiday Party!" As tempting as it may be to squeeze in as many social events as possible and be a good networker, realize that over-scheduling is anything but productive.每当节日到来,你总会收到成百上千封写着“节日派对!”的电子邮件。虽然尽可能挤时间参与各种各样的社交活动、展示自己是一位社交达人是一件很诱人的事情,但是你也得意识到过度安排行程与工作效率是完全没有关系的。
As Warren Buffett once said, "The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say 'no' to almost everything." Consider paring down your holiday events to just one or two a week. Rather than just outright declining the invitation, offer to meet up after the holiday rush--the invitee will appreciate catching up when this craziness dies down.正如沃伦•巴菲特曾经说过,“成功人士与真正成功的人士的区别,就在于真正成功的人士几乎对所有事情都说‘不’。”所以何不考虑减少参加节日活动的次数,每周减少1到2个。不过,你也不必直接拒绝对方的邀请,你可以在节日假期的高峰期过后安排与对方见面——对方会非常乐意在这段高峰期平静后能与你见上一面。
2. Plan ahead2. 提前计划
When customers form a proverbial line out the door, don't turn a chance to boost profits into what I call the "reverse curse."如果顾客们安排了惯例的节日派对,那么就不要拿这个提高利润的机会来冒险,否则就会变成“逆火诅咒。”
Rather than scrambling at light-speed to meet increased demand during the holidays, your best bet is to plan ahead. According to HR expert Peggy Isaacson, before it gets really crazy, you should look back to the problems you previously encountered: "What were the hassles last year? Were you short-handed because too many people took time off? What did your customers complain about?"与其盲目追求速度以达到增长的需求,倒不如提前做好计划。根据人力资源专家Peggy Isaacson的建议,你必须在事情变得不可控制之前,好好回顾过往遇到过的问题:去年最让人头疼的是什么事情?如果太多人休假,你是否会人手不足?顾客们最不满的是什么?
3. Stress can sometimes be a good thing3. 压力有时候也是好事
The good news is that some of your holiday-related stress can in fact be harnessed into productivity, according to the experts at Harvard Business Review. They suggest that stress does in fact, have some side-effects that boost productivity, like increasing your learning capabilities in short-bursts. 《哈佛商业评论》的专家带来了一个好消息:某些由于节日造成的压力实际上是能够加以利用的,以此提高工作效率。专家们表示,确实如此,某些压力的副作用能够提高工作效率,比如让你在短期的紧张阶段里提高学习能力。
The key here is to make a habit of reframing stress--and seeing it as an enhancer for great work rather than a negative. This is known as "psychological thriving," and any athlete who has performed under pressure knows its rewards.关键在于你得养成重构压力的习惯——并且把压力视为工作出色的驱动器,而不是减缓器。这就是著名的“心理活力”,每一位在压力下表现的运动员都了解它的好处。
4. Being the Grinch destroys productivity4. 当个扫兴的鬼精灵只会毁了你的工作效率
Believe it or not, getting in the holiday spirit will not only boost the attitude of your office, but it's proven to lead to increased productivity. Science shows that if you have fun, your tasks will get knocked out quicker--so don't be afraid to get out the Santa outfit or play holiday tunes while working (as long as you keep the eggnog in check).不管你是否相信,投入到节日的快乐情绪不仅可以改善你工作态度,还有证据证明可以提高工作效率。科学显示,如果你很快乐,你的任务就能更快完成——所以不要顾忌太多,尽情穿上圣诞节装扮,或在工作的时候播放节日的歌曲吧(只要你能够克制自己喝蛋酒的冲动就可以了)。
5. Keep movin'5. 动起来
As it turns out, exercise can be the one thing you shouldn't miss out on during the holidays, which can often be extremely stressful. If you aren't going to make it to CrossFit because of last minute shopping, try taking a walk during your lunch break or even staying out on the dancefloor a little longer at the holiday work party. Your brain, and your stress levels, will be extremely thankful for the serotonin they will be receiving.正如许多研究发现,体育锻炼是唯一不能在假日忽略的活动,因为你很有可能陷入极度压力之中。如果你因为疯狂大采购的到来而无法到健身房锻炼,那么你可以在午餐休息的时间走一走,甚至也可以在工作派对的舞池中多逗留一会儿。这样的话,你的大脑,还有你的压力水平,都会非常感激你在这段运动的过程中所吸收到的血清素。
6. It's time to say, 'good night'...6. 是时候说“晚安”了……
In the next few weeks, as celebrations are a plenty, try using the phrase 'good night', instead of 'one more hour,' 'one more drink' or 'I'll sleep in on the weekend.'接下来的几周,虽然庆祝的活动多不胜数,但是你也得学会使用“晚安”了,而不是“再玩一小时”,“再来一杯”或“我周末在补眠”这样的话语。
Our schedules, diets and daily habits are already so out of whack during the holidays, that the least we can do for our bodies (that do so much for us) is to get some sleep. According to Harvard Medical School, a lack of sleep not only makes us tired the next day, but actually impairs our mood, judgment, safety, work performance and overall health.我们的个人行程,就餐方式以及日常习惯在节日假期中真的会变得非常不规律,所以我们为身体至少能做到的事情(对我们大有益处)就是保证睡眠充足。根据哈佛医学院的报告,睡眠不足不仅让我们在第二天感到困乏,而且还会大大危害我们的心情,判断力,安全感,工作表现还有总体的健康水平。
7. Reflect7. 反思
The holidays are a great time for reflection. Schedule yourself some downtime daily to be alone and allow yourself to do some thinking: What am I most proud of this year? Is there something I am maybe not so proud of? What do I want to focus on next year? Is there someone that I need to repair sentiments with? Finish the year of with contentment--what is done is done, and what is to come in 2017, well that is up to you.节日假期是自我反思的好时机。每天为自己安排停下来独处的时间,让自己好好思考:这一年我最感到自豪的是什么?是否有一些遗憾?明年我的重心应该放在哪里?是否需要跟某个人修补关系?用感恩满足的情绪回顾过去的一年——木已成舟,在2017到来的,将会取决于你自己。