You can be forgiven for not remembering the details about Oceanside.你可能已经不记得Oceanside这个社区的细节了。
The Walking Dead only visited this all-female colony once, way back in November, in what was at the time the least-watched new episode of The Walking Dead since Season 3 (it's since been replaced by "Say Yes").这是《行尸走肉》里唯一一个全是女人的幸存者社区,这一集故事是去年11月播出的,是第三季以来收视率最低的一集。
In that episode, "Swear," Tara (Alanna Masterson) washed up on Oceanside's shore after getting separated from the still-missing Heath (Corey Hawkins). She learned that this community used to be under Negan's (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) rule in another location, but after the Saviors killed all their men and boys older than 10, they fled in the dead of night and ended up here. The Saviors don't know they're there, and Oceanside's leader Natania (Deborah May) wants to keep it that way. They want to be left alone, and they protect themselves with a substantial arsenal.在那一集《Swear》里,当时和Heath走散的Tara出现在Oceanside的海滩边,她了解到这个社区之前曾经在Negan的通知下在另一块地方居住,但是Negan把这个社区里所有超过10岁的男人都杀掉了。她们最终逃亡到了现在的领地。救世军不知道他们的存在,而Oceanside的领导人Natania希望保持现在的情况不要有变化。她们不希望有人发现她们,而她们拥有大量军械。
So now, Tara is leading the Alexandrians back to Oceanside, where everyone wants her dead except for one person, who will now think she's a snitch.现在Tara带着Alexandrians的人回到Oceanside,而Oceanside的所有人都希望她死掉,唯一一个对她好的人娴子觉得她是告密者。 |