发表于 2016-7-10 17:08:00
Qingming Fruit 清明果
Qingming fruit (or Qingming guo). It looks like dumplings in shape, but tastes different from dumplings. The wrapper of Qingming fruit is made from squeezed
wormwood, rice and glutinous rice. Finally, it is stuffed with bean filling and cooked by steaming. Aside from sweet fillings, people also use diced bacon, dried bamboo shoot, diced mushroom and dried beancurd as substitutes。
清明果,形状有些像饺子,但味却截然不同。清明果的皮是一种叫艾的植物做成的,将艾叶捣烂与米粉搅伴在一起,做成碧绿色的面团,鲜嫩欲滴。清明果的馅也是 很讲究的,制作精细。有熏肥肠伴芥菜末的,有豆腐干和着韭菜的,还有其他各类美味的搭配。清明包果包起来和包饺子有异曲同工之效,但包清明果似乎更精致些,那褶折得就 像花边一样。