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        31. Arthur31.亚瑟
        Arthur is a highly recognizable character from his own children's book series that made the leap to a TV cartoon on PBS in Arthur. And if you're wondering, yes, he's an aardvark. Arthur premiered in 1996, becoming an instant hit. Since then Arthur, the character has become a mascot for reading programs. The series continues to air on PBS Kids.亚瑟是一位具有高度识别度的卡通人物。出版了系列儿童读物,美国公共广播公司还播出了同名卡通片。如果你想知道,是的,它是一只食蚁兽。1996年,《亚瑟小子》一经播出便一炮而红。此后,亚瑟开始成为阅读推广的宠儿。这一系列至今仍在美国公共广播公司儿童频道播放。
        32. Bill from 'Schoolhouse Rock'32.比尔来自《摇滚校园》
        Schoolhouse Rock was a set of animated shorts that helped educate kids in the '60s and '70s about conjunctions, the magic number three and, especially the legislative process. The latter lesson starred a rolled-up paper named Bill, and showed how he went from the House to the Senate and eventually became a law. The award-winning educational series was the result of a partnership between Michael Eisner, former chairman of the board at Walt Disney Company, and cartoon legend Chuck Jones. The original series aired from 1973 to 1985.《摇滚校园》是一部系列动画短片,帮助教育60、70年代的孩子学习连词、神奇的数字,尤其是立法过程。后部分内容由卷纸比尔讲述,并展示了比尔如何从众议院到参议院,最终成为法律。这部屡获殊荣的系列教育动画由迪士尼公司前董事会主席迈克尔•艾斯纳与卡通巨匠查克·琼斯合力完成。原版系列播出于1973年至1985年。
        33. Space Ghost33.太空幽灵
        Sure, Space Ghost was a popular character in '60s Hanna-Barbera cartoons, when he battled villains in outer space. But his stint as a late-night talk show host on in 1994 on Cartoon Network sent him into the stratosphere of stardom. The characters' deadpan delivery and random laser beams helped make the cartoon a cult sensation.不得不说,太空幽灵是60年代汉纳-巴贝拉动画工作室创作的一位极受欢迎的角色,在太空与坏人做斗争。1994年,太空幽灵在美国卡通电视网的晚间娱乐节目中出现,使其一度达到顶峰。他面无表情的递送以及随意的激光束使这部卡通片掀起一股狂热。
        34. Yogi Bear and Boo Boo34.瑜伽熊和波波熊
        Another Hanna-Barbera staple was the team of Yogi Bear and Boo Boo. The pair first debuted on The Huckleberry Hound Show in 1958, then earned their own cartoon titled The Yogi Bear Showin 1961. Yogi (smarter than the average bear) continually found himself in trouble and Boo Boo usually figured a way out. The duo lived in Jellystone Park. Yogi and Boo Boo also starred inYogi and His Friends, Yogi's Gang, just Yogi Bearand in 2010 their own Yogi Bearfeature film.瑜珈熊和波波熊是汉纳-巴伯拉动画工作室的创作的代表人物。1958年,瑜伽熊和波波熊在《哈克狗》中首次出现。接着,在1961年推出了自己的动画《瑜伽熊记》,瑜珈熊(比大多数熊机智)常常发现自己陷入困境,而波波熊总有办法解决这些困难。瑜伽熊和波波熊居住在杰力士森林公园。二人还主演了《瑜伽熊和他的朋友们》、《瑜伽熊帮》,2000年还推出了同名电影《瑜伽熊》。
        35. Mighty Mouse35.大力鼠
        "Here I come to save the day!" Before Andy Kaufman lip-synched Mighty Mouse's theme on Saturday Night Live, Mighty Mouse had been through many incarnations. Part mouse, part superhero, Mighty Mouse kept Mouseville safe from a variety of cat villains. Mighty Mouse was originally named Super Mouse when he made his debut in the Mouse of Tomorrowin 1942.“这里由我来拯救!”早在安迪·考夫曼在周末夜现场模仿大力鼠之前,大力鼠已有许多形象。大力鼠既是老鼠又是超人,保卫鼠保洞不受恶猫的侵犯。1942年,“大力鼠”在动画短片《明日之鼠》中出现,最初名为超人鼠。
        36. Donald Duck36.唐老鸭
        As Mickey Mouse's cynical sidekick, Donald Duck was always my favorite. It wasn't the raspy voice or fashionable duds, but his eye-rolling attitude and exasperation. Donald Duck made his debut in Walt Disney's Silly Symphony cartoon segment, "The Wise Little Hen," in 1934. His most memorable turn may be as Scrooge McDuck in Mickey's Christmas Carol, released in 1983.米老鼠愤世嫉俗的伙伴唐老鸭,一直是我的最爱。喜欢它并非因为刺耳的声音,也非新潮的衣服,而是其分明的态度和沮丧。1934年,唐老鸭首次出现在迪士尼的《糊涂交响曲》卡通片段《聪明的小母鸡》中。1983年,它在《米奇的快乐圣诞》中扮演的吝啬鬼形象,是其最令人难忘的转变。
        37. Alvin (the Chipmunk)37.埃尔文(花栗鼠)
        Alvin, the lead singer of Alvin and the Chipmunks, is the guts of the operation. The Chipmunks were given their own cartoon in 1961. These rodents have continued to make cartoons and movies, up through their most recent feature film in 2011, Alvin and the Chipmunks.阿尔文是《艾尔文和花栗鼠》的主唱,是乐队的领袖。1961年,花栗鼠有了自己的卡通漫画,接着陆续推出了新的作品和电影。2011年,故事片《艾尔文和花栗鼠》上映。
        38. Woody Woodpecker38.啄木鸟伍迪
        Another anti-hero, Woody Woodpecker lives to cause trouble. His most famous trait is no doubt his cackling, stuttering laugh. Walter Lantz created Woody Woodpecker. Although Mel Blanc, then Ben Hardaway, originally voiced the character, Grace, voiced Woody Woodpecker from 1948's Banquet Busters through 1972.啄木鸟伍迪同样是一位平凡的主角,它总能制造出新麻烦。略带结巴的咯咯笑声是伍迪最大的特点。沃尔特创造了啄木鸟伍迪。梅尔·布兰科、本·哈德威最初相继为该角色配音。1948年至1972年,格蕾丝在《盛宴坏蛋》中为该角色配音。
        39. Tom and Jerry39.汤姆和杰里
        Tom and Jerry chase each other, torment each other and generally try to defeat the other. Though Tom has the upper hand more than, say, Sylvester, he still has yet to make a meal of Jerry. Tom and Jerryhave had many incarnations, beginning with the Academy award-winning MGM shorts in the 1940s to the most recent episodes on Cartoon Network.汤姆和杰里相互追逐,彼此折磨,二人总是试图打败对方。不过汤姆多占上风,宣称傻大猫永远享受不了鼠肉。《汤姆和杰里》有许多典型作品,从20世纪40年代,奥斯卡奖得主米高梅公司推出的作品到近期美国卡通电视网播出的剧集,都可见其身影。
        40.Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale40.鲍里斯·巴登诺夫和娜塔莎·法塔尔
        Boris and Natasha are portrayed the way Americans saw Russians during the Cold War. That doesn't keep these villains from dispatching some thickly accented humor. Boris was voiced by Paul Fees. June Foray, who has played Granny on all the cartoons, was the voice of Natasha.鲍里斯和娜塔莎揭示了冷战时期美国人看待俄罗斯人的视角。但是,这并不能阻止这些坏人传递口音浓重的幽默。保罗·费斯为鲍里斯配音,在卡通片中常为奶奶配音的琼·福雷为娜塔莎配音。

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