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发表于 2017-3-16 17:56:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        Do money and language go hand in hand? You might be surprised at the powerful effects bilingualism has on income and employment.语言能力和薪水多少有关系吗?双语能力对收入和就业的重大影响力,也许会让你感到吃惊。
        Everyone’s got their own ideas about how to make a little extra dough, but few people today realize the economic benefits of speaking two languages.对于怎么赚外快,每个人多少都会有点自己的想法,不过很少有人会意识到双语能力给自己带来的经济效益。
        Skeptical? Let’s look at the figures. Some number crunchers at The Economist have determined that workers with more than one language can earn an extra $67,000 over their lifetime. And that’s on the low side; according to estimates on the high end, bilinguals can make an extra $128,000 due to their language proficiency. That means monolinguals (that’s people who speak just one language) could be missing out on the equivalent of a new home or luxury car. Ouch.你不信?让我们看一下数据。《经济学人》的数据表明:懂超过一门语言的工人一生可以多赚67000美元,而且这只是一个保守数据;按较高水平估计,拥有双语能力的人可以因为他们的语言能力多获得128000美元。这意味着单语者(只说一种语言的人)可能会错过相当于一个新房子或豪华车的钱。哇喔。



        Let’s check out some more intriguing statistics. According to language expert and CEO Ryan McMunn, learning a second language boosts your salary anywhere from 10-15%. How’s that for a raise?让我们来看看一些更有趣的数据吧。根据语言学家和首席执行官瑞·恩克的说法,会两门语言不论在什么地方都能让你的薪水涨10%到15%。你觉得这个涨薪水平怎么样呢?
        In fact, 9 out of 10 European recruiters consider bilingualism critical to hiring new employees. Similarly, a survey of North American job recruiters found 66% agreed that bilingualism will steadily gain importance in the next 10 years.事实上,十分之九的欧洲招聘官将双语能力作为招聘人员的一个重要标准。相似地,一份关于北美招聘官的调查表明,66%的招聘官觉得双语能力在未来十年的重要性会稳步上升。



        But how does knowing a second language really help you earn more? In addition to jobs like interpreters and translators (two professions, incidentally, which the Bureau of Labor predicts to grow 28.7% over the next 10 years), there are many ways learning a second language immediately boosts a worker’s chances at earning more.不过会两门语言会怎么样使你赚的更多呢?除了口译或者翻译这种工作以外(顺便说一句,根据劳动局预测,这两种职业的薪酬在接下来十年会增长28.7%),还有许多方面可以增加双语者的收入。
        For job seekers looking to stand out from the crowd, hiring managers notice the increased cultural sensitivity and intelligence that come with being able to speak a foreign language.对于想要脱颖而出的求职者来说,招聘经理会注意到那些有外语能力的人,往往在文化敏感度和理解力方面更突出。
        Similarly, service industry workers see an increased chance at promotion merely by showing that they’re in the process of learning a new language. Large or small, companies always need employees to travel to and communicate with foreign markets.相似地,服务业的工作人员如果表现出自己正在学一门外语,则更有机会得到升职。不管是大公司还是小公司,他们总是需要员工能够出国沟通并开拓国外市场。
        Just being able to “meet and greet” gives you an immense leg up. For those who run a small business, a second language can prove critical in connecting with your customers and community.即使你仅仅能够“见面问好”,这就足以给你一个巨大的帮助了。对于做小生意的人来说,会一门外语是联系客户和社会的必不可少的纽带。
        The list of financial benefits to bilingualism is endless. So don’t miss out — do yourself a favor and pick up a new language today.双语者所能得到的经济利益是无穷无尽的。所以,不要错过它——为了你自己,从今天开始学一门新的语言吧。

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