Rio 2016 has been plagued with problems before it's even started, and now the results of a 16-month-long study have revealed that the water in its Olympic and Paralympic venues is a verifiable health hazard.2016的里约奥运在开始前已身陷窘境,各种糟心事纷至沓来。一项长达十六个月的研究结果表明奥运会和残奥会场馆的水质可以证实对健康有害。
The study, commissioned by the Associated Press, found that the infectious adenovirus was present at nearly 90 percent of the test sites. "That's a very, very, very high percentage," biomedical expert Valerie Harwood from the University of South Florida told the AP.这次检测由美联社委托,在检测地点发现目前传染性腺病毒的含量接近90%。南佛罗里达大学的生物学专家瓦莱丽·哈伍德告诉美联社:“这是一个非常、非常、非常高的数值。”
Fortunately, since the release of these initial findings, local officials have doubled down on their efforts to clean up the Olympic waters, and the latest readings, from June, reportedly have adenovirus levels at a (still-terrible) 248 million adenoviruses per litre.幸运的是,由于初期研究结果的公布,当地官员在清理奥运水域方面付出了多一倍的努力,但六月份的最新检测读数显示腺病毒含量依然十分恐怖,每公升含有2亿4千8百万个腺病毒。
"Don't put your head under water," was the one piece of advice Harwood had for athletes who were planning on competing.“别把你的头放到水里,”哈伍德对计划参加比赛的运动员给出这样一个建议。
Former Olympian and advisor to the Australian team, told The Sydney Morning Herold that their rowers have two very simple rules to live by on those waters: "A - trying not to fall out of the boat. B - if they do fall out of the boat, to keep their mouth closed."前奥运会选手兼澳大利亚队的导师告诉《悉尼先驱晨报》,他们的划手有两条非常简单的生命箴言:第一,尽量不要掉到水里;第二,如果掉进水里了请闭紧嘴巴。”
At this point, there's little hope that continued clean-up efforts will make much of a difference by the time the games actually begin, so let's just hope that if anyone does get sick, they have a medal to make themselves feel better.此时此刻,继续努力做清理也不会在比赛开始前有任何大的改变,所以,让我们期待着如果有人生病了,能给他们一块奖牌做安慰。 |